Dickinson to Durban » Entries tagged with "Durban"
Get Local Governments Involved!
Esther Babson ’13 Throughout history, the key to making an issue a priority of the people and government, is by mainstreaming the issue. This can be incredibly difficult, especially when the issue is considered a “threat” to growth and economic development in a country. Unfortunately many people still see climate change in this way. Due to this perception, of efforts to deal with climate change as economically damaging, trying to bring change in government policies for climate change is even more of a struggle. Durban, South Africa has actually made some impressive progress in mainstreaming climate change which will hopefully lead to decision makers realizing the importance of this issue. The article “Thinking globally, action locally-institutionalizing climate change at the local government level in Durban, South Africa” by Debra Roberts hones in … Read entire article »
Filed under: Climate Change, Environmental Politics
Durban: Challenges and Successes?

While reflecting upon a the article “Environment and Urbanization,” Debra Roberts analyzes the past, present, and future challenges facing the government of Durban. The challenges the city faces are significant, but the question I was left wondering was if the Durban government the way it is, is ready to face the issues specifically facing the city. On page 523 of the issue of environmental policy is specifically addressed, “simultaneous elevation and revision of both the environmental … Read entire article »
Filed under: Climate Change
Durban: Where Global Meets Local

Claire Tighe ’13 Durban, South Africa is the host for the 2011 UNFCCC 17th Conference of the Parties. As a large urban center and coastal city, has Durban taken any actions towards mitigation or adaptation to climate change? Debra Roberts addresses this question in her report, “Thinking globally, acting locally – institutionalizing climate change at the local government level in Durban, South Africa.” As of late, “reasonable progress has been made in Durban in mainstreaming climate change … Read entire article »
Filed under: Climate Change, Environmental Politics
Politics and Time
By: Anna McGinn ’14 Janet L. Sawin and William R. Moomaw’s report, “Renewable Revolution: Low Carbon Energy by2030,”offers quite a positive and uplifting assessment of the world’s situation as it pertains to climate change in the next twenty years. Actually, the tone was so encouraging that I started to question the legitimacy of some of the statements they make. But the difference between this article and most other research we have assessed on this topic is that the focus of this report is on what the world is doing well in regards to renewable energy, and not so much the degree to which it is failing. Yet, it makes the transition to renewable resources sound too easy. This report acknowledges the fact that policies are pivotal for their emission projections to … Read entire article »
Filed under: Carbon Markets, Climate Change
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