Dickinson to Durban » Entries tagged with "Elena Capaldi"
Durban: Challenges and Successes?

While reflecting upon a the article “Environment and Urbanization,” Debra Roberts analyzes the past, present, and future challenges facing the government of Durban. The challenges the city faces are significant, but the question I was left wondering was if the Durban government the way it is, is ready to face the issues specifically facing the city. On page 523 of the issue of environmental policy is specifically addressed, “simultaneous elevation and revision of both the environmental … Read entire article »
Filed under: Climate Change
The College Environment
One question that keeps coming up in my mind as to my studies with this Africa Mosaic,is my own involvement in contributing to the GHG emissions of the world. While having the privilege to study international climate negotiations in-depth is not possible for a majority of the public with jobs and other full-time commitments, I realize that I am extremely priveged and fortunate in this sphere. I go to a good liberal arts college which affords me the opportunity and focus to do such a thing. However, merely studying the impacts of carbon emissions outside my privileged “scholarly bubble” feels, well, unfulfilling. So the question I wish to discuss is how and why this “bubble” shapes some of the environmental choices I am able to make in my four years at … Read entire article »
Filed under: Climate Change, Mosaic Action
From Copenhagen to Durban
This summer when I was researching the past Conferences of the Parties it’s start as COP-1, the one conclusion I consistently found about the Copenhagen COP-15 was that nothing concrete in the way of real policy was accomplished. I remember thinking that what I was reading was perhaps biased—was this conclusion really true? Had nothing been accomplished—after all Cancun and now South Africa negotiations were subsequently being held after the “failed” Copenhagen COP-15? Where were the legally-binding policy most of the developing country wanted to desperately see? Reading first the actual Accord that came out of Copenhagen and subsequent reactions and criticisms following that negotiation, I felt that I was finally reading a more balanced account of what really occurred at the Copenhagen conference. Some of the criticisms reacted to the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Summer Reading Responses
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