Dickinson to Durban » Entries tagged with "Kyoto Protocol"
U.S. Step Aside, Developing Countries Step Up

By Maggie Rees As the negotiations continue, it seems that one of the only ways for progress to happen is if the United States steps aside. The US has been blocking other developed countries and developing countries from the progress they wish to see in Durban. China has shown optimistic signals and a willingness to contribute to a legally binding agreement, sharper emissions cuts, or some sort of commitment. The United States, on the other hand, … Read entire article »
Filed under: Climate Change
Should we let KP RIP?
by Dani Thompson There is a reason UNFCCCs conference of parties are referred to as “the negotiations”. “All they do is negotiate. Where is the action?” Questions Rully Prayoga, a 350.org Indonesian Chapter representative who I interviewed this morning. After spending over a week at the UNFCCCs 17th COP, I have to agree with him. If there is one over-arching feeling from NGOs which I can relay to our readers outside of Durban– it is a sense of frustration. This frustration comes from the slow-moving progress of “the negotiations” and an ever-growing realization that agreement to aid the end or slowing of climate change on a global level may not be possible. Perhaps the UNFCCC is simply not the best forum to realize mitigation of green house gases. As the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol (The legally binding agreement signed by … Read entire article »
Filed under: Climate Change
A Continuation of Kyoto: Is It Worth It?

By: Christine Burns 14 While the we have been running around to side events and interviews, the delegates of the COP have been tackling some big issues. I am starting to get a sense that the general situation is that each country or block of countries is dealing with different issues from desertification, to sea-level rise, to economic downfall at home that they cannot see eye to eye on this rather broad issue of anthropogenic climate … Read entire article »
Filed under: Climate Change, Key COP17 Issues, Mosaic Action, Student Research
A look at the positions of the most vulnerable countries of the world

By Anna McGinn ‘14 Together they do not emit enough to tangibly affect the atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide, yet they are feeling the impacts the most. Climate change is not a thing of the future for these countries, it is happening now. However, for the most part these countries do not have much political power in the international negotiations to actually push through changes that will save their countries. The most vulnerable … Read entire article »
Filed under: Climate Change, Environmental Justice, Key COP17 Issues, Mosaic Action, Student Research
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