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Dickinson to Durban » Entries tagged with "renewable revolution"

“But it will ruin our economy!”

by Claire Tighe ’13 Does curbing emissions mean compromising potential economic development? In their WorldWatch Report entitled “Renewable Revolution: Low-Carbon Energy by 2030,” Sawin and Moomaw argue that it does not. (Even though simultaneously curbing economic development might not be such a bad thing, considering the effects of the United States’ exponential growth on a very limited aggregation of resources: the natural environment. In fact, less development for industrialized countries might even be preferable considering the projections for dangerous climate change if we continue to function with a “business-as-usual” model for emissions. If you’re curious about the environmental approach claiming that a cap on growth might not be so bad, check out Bill McKibben’s most recent book, Eaarth.) Instead, Sawin and Moomaw claim that “the way forward must be to focus … Read entire article »

Filed under: Carbon Markets, Climate Change, Key COP17 Issues

Base Load: Where Renewable Energy Resources Fall Short

by Sam Parker ’12 Many, including myself, are demanding a looking for a “renewable energy revolution” and a low carbon economy in this country and the rest of the world.  For the future of our children and our planet, this is something that is an absolute necessity, but often what it lost in this thought is the concept of Base Load or Base Demand.  For those who may not know, defines base load as “the constant or permanent load on a power supply”.  Essentially, all those things are run all day in your home (i.e. refrigerators, heat, a/c, clocks, etc.), place a demand on energy supply all of the time.  Now, how does a renewable energy system work with base load? Not very well.  At present, our base load energy requirements, as well as peak demand … Read entire article »

Filed under: Carbon Markets, Climate Change, Mosaic Action, Summer Reading Responses