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Dickinson to Durban » Entries tagged with "Youth"

ROOOOAAARR!!!! I want climate justice now!

By Dani Thompson Today, Sam Parker, Maggie Reese and I casually met up with volunteers from tck tck tck and Climate Action Network (CAN) on the Addington each in Durban. Oh? Did I mention we were also joined by over 2,000 South African school kids? The gathering was an action dubbed “Africa Roars”. It was a mass gathering of people “roaring” for climate change by forming a giant lion head in the sand. The shape of the lion also represented a the need for youth to be courageous in demanding climate justice! Now that I have told you the passion and care which went into the planning of this action, and a picture to prove that it was actually completed, I will tell you what it was REALLY like to be  a … Read entire article »

Filed under: Climate Change, Environmental Justice

YOUNGOs “twinkle” @ COP17

By Dani Thompson ’12 Another day another 8 Rand (=$1)…or is it 7 rand to the dollar today? Life at COP17 here in Durban is beginning to fall into somewhat of a routine; a very wonky one at that. One thing which has quickly become my favorite part of each day is the 8:30 AM morning meeting with YOUNGO. The best way to describe  YOUNGO is that it is a group of groups. Youth Non-governmental organizations (hence the NGO of YOUNGO) from all over the world come together to form one cohesive body which has developed a strong presence at the UNFCCC conference of parties. US groups participating in YOUNGO include: SustainUS, the Sierra Student Coalition, Green Peace Green Reporters, Inconvenient Youth,, and many more! As I said, many of the youth here at … Read entire article »

Filed under: Climate Change, Key COP17 Issues, Mosaic Action, Student Research

The “Yutes”

Sam Parker ’12 Vinny Gambini: It is possible that the two yutes…  Judge Chamberlain Haller: …Ah, the two what? Uh… uh, what was that word?  Vinny Gambini: Uh… what word?  Judge Chamberlain Haller: Two what?  Vinny Gambini: What?  Judge Chamberlain Haller: Uh… did you say ‘yutes’?  Vinny Gambini: Yeah, two yutes.  Judge Chamberlain Haller: What is a yute?  Vinny Gambini: [beat] Oh, excuse me, your honor…  [exaggerated]  Vinny Gambini: Two YOUTHS.  My Cousin Vinny (1992) Yesterday I was able to solidify my focus for this conference, the “yutes”.  Within the COP conferences there are many non-governmental organizations (NGOs), these NGOs are then divided into smaller groups one of which being the YOUNGOs or youth NGOs.  These are some of the most interesting people to talk with.  They are some of the most driven, opinionated and knowledgeable.  They know what they are talking about … Read entire article »

Filed under: Climate Change, Environmental Politics, Key COP17 Issues, Mosaic Action, Student Research