Fontaine scripsit
Learn the word modo. It means “only” or “just,” so eam modo vidi means “I just saw her” and Tu modo ausculta means “You just listen” or “Just you listen” or “Just listen.” It’s common with imperatives.
aliqua exempla collegi
cum imperativo
accede huc modo. “Just come here” (Plaut. Cas. 965)
redi modo: non eris deceptus. “Just come back. You won’t be deceived.” (Plaut. Pseud. 1236)
tace modo ac sequere hac. “Just shut up and follow this way.” (Ter. Adelph. 281)
iam ipsa res dicet tibi. abi modo intro. “The facts will speak for themselves in a moment. Just go inside.” (Plaut. Epid. 714)
non modo…sed/verum etiam/quoque
non modo vinosus, sed virosus quoque. “not only wine-loving, but man-loving, too.” (P. Cornel. Scipio Aem. Afr., orationes 17.5)
non modo ipsa lepidast, commode quoque hercle fabulatur. “Not only is she herself pretty, she also speaks in a pleasant way.” (Plaut. Cist. 315)
non modo luctum mors patris attulit, verum etiam egestatem. “His father’s death brought not only sorrow, but also poverty.” (Cic. Pro Rosc. 13)
non modo his temporibus, sed etiam apud maiores nostros. “Not only in our time, but in the days of our ancestors.” (Cic. In Verr. II.1.106)
modo … modo
modo his, modo illis ex partibus. “now on one side, now on the other.” (Cic. DND 2.49)
tum in vicem modo his cibis, modo illis utendum est. “Use is to be made of these foods in turn.” (Cels. De Med. 3.22.11)
modo hoc modo illud probabilius videtur. “At one moment one seems the more probable, and at another moment the other.” (Cic. Acad. 2.121)
modō > modus -i m.
ecce id nullō modō Latine exprimere possim. “I could not possibly express this in Latin.” (Sen. Ep. 58.7)
pecuniam magnam bonō modō invenire. “To obtain great wealth in an honorable way.” (Plin. NH 7.140)
eadem sed non eōdem modō facere. “To do the same things, but not in the same way.” (Sen. Ep. 18.4)
numquam ullō modō me potes deterrere. “You can never deter me in any way.” (Plaut. Amph. 559-60)
pecorum modō inulti trucidantur. “They would be butchered with impunity, like cattle.” (Liv. 25.16.19)
servorum modō praeter spem repente manumissorum. “Like slaves suddenly and unexpectedly manumitted.” (Liv. 39.26.8)