AI Chatbot for Foreign Language in Moodle

Posted by Todd Bryant in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Working with students Noah Lape, Aziz Muminov, and Youssif Golda, we’ve written a simple application that allows instructors to embed a chatbot within Moodle. In the code, you can set the name the bot will use for the simulated conversation with the student, the target language, and a prompt to give the bot as background for the conversation.

If you’re on campus, you can try out the chatbot here. If you don’t have access, let me know and I’ll add you to the course. This demo bot is governed by the following variables:

  • varName = ‘Tadao’
  • varPrompt = ‘I would like to start a simulation. You are my Japanese roommate. Your name is Tadao. Please play the role of Tadao, a native Japanese speaker and student at the University of Nagoya. Do not tell me you are a chatbot. Use the pronoun “I” when referring to yourself. I will play the role of an American student studying in Japan.’
  • varLanguage = ‘Japanese’

If you’d like to try it out with your own name, prompt, and language follow these steps:

  • You first need to turn off your WSYISWYG editor in Moodle. By default the editor will strip out any code
    • In Moodle, click your profile logo top right and choose ‘Preferences’.
    • Click the link for ‘Editor’ preferences
    • Choose ‘Plain text area’ from the dropdown and ‘Save’
  • Add the code to a page in your course
    • Copy this code
    • Go to the course where you’d like it to appear and add a Page
    • Give it a ‘Name’
    • Paste the code into the content.
    • In the dropdown below the Content, set it HTML format if it isn’t already and ‘Save’
    • Say hi to the bot to make sure it works
  • Customize the code
    • Go to ‘Settings’ for the page you just created.
    • In the code, scroll down to near the bottom until you find: //ENTER YOUR VARIABLES HERE – PLACE THEM WITHIN THE SINGLE QUOTES
    • You’ll see three variables for you to change just below: varName, varPrompt, and varLanguage.  Enter the text for each variable you’d like to use, being sure to keep the single quotes.
    • Next, scroll down farther until you see: //SET THE INITIAL GREETING BELOW.  Again, replace the initial text variable in single quotes with your own. This will be the initial text from the bot to start the conversation. It is currently set as –  ‘Place initial greeting from your chatbot here to start conversation’
    • Save and test
  • Things to keep in mind
    • The conversation is not saved on the server, and will clear if the user refreshes the page. As of now, if a student wants to save the conversation, they need to copy it.
    • This is very, very beta. So after you’ve tried it, let me know before you spend a lot of time thinking about how you may use it. Email me ( so we can talk, test, etc. This may be a useful and fun homework assignment, but I don’t think it’s reliable enough yet to be a graded assignment.
    • Right now, text is very cheap, so the very small bill will be paid from the IT budget. If this explodes or becomes more expensive, we may have to change.
    • For instructions, I used a Page in Moodle, but the same should work anywhere you can paste HTML such as the description of a Quiz in Moodle, a WordPress blog, etc. provided that JavaScript is allowed.
  • Coming soon
    • Hopefully within the first few weeks of the semester, we can build in functionality that would let students send their professor an email with the transcript. Keep in mind, other than appearing on the page, this isn’t integrated with Moodle. It won’t appear in the gradebook, user logs, etc.
    • Farther out, though maybe not too far, I hope to integrate voice chat. OpenAI had an impressive demo of a conversational voice in their latest roll-out in the spring. We’ll have to see if the demo is representative, works as well in other languages, and how hard it is access the same functionality with our script.

Chatbot screenshot


Posted by Todd Bryant in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Enter the description of your conversation or activity here for the chatbot:

    New functionalities in AI, including multimodal support

    Posted by Todd Bryant in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

    In the last post, we introduced NotebookLM as a way to create AI focused queries on a user’s selection of texts for education in research. There have been other improvements in the capabilities of the AI models, particularly in the area of multimodal AI, which allow for the input and output of mediums besides text. Here we’ll look at some examples you may find useful for teaching and digital storytelling projects.

    Image Generation

    Admittedly, image generation based on text prompts was widespread earlier last year, with MidJourney and others. However, I do want to highlight Firefly, from Adobe, which we have access to as part of our Adobe license at Dickinson and uses licensed images from their library.  The beta version of Photoshop also uses AI for it’s Generative Fill tool.

    Image creation – for prompts works best if include item, context and style for the image

    • Firefly from Adobe
    • Edge browser, Copilot Microsoft using OpenAI’s DALLE-3

    Image and File Inputs for Chat Models

    The free versions of major chat models now have other options for input besides text prompts. Those I mention below can also understand scientific diagrams and charts within articles. For the most part it’s quite impressive, but the most difficult part can sometimes be getting the model to read the correct figure. At times you may be better off only uploading the pages of the article that contain the chart and related information.

    • ChatGPT from OpenAI
      • Accepts files uploaded directly, via OneDrive, or Google Drive.
      • Can understand images including many infographics and charts
    • Gemini from Google
      • Accepts only images
    • NotebookLM also from Google for querying your own documents.
    • Edge browser (Copilot using ChatGPT Microsoft’s partner OpenAI’s ChatGPT)
      • Accepts files including images and screenshots uploaded directly.
      • Can understand images including many infographics and charts
    • Claude (Anthropic)
      • Can upload files. I had trouble testing due to size limitations

    Audio Generation and Editing

    Many of the major audio generators are focused on music generation. For education, we still recommend using creative commons licensed music. Though we have found AI useful for some editing as well as sound effects and background noise.

    Adobe Podcast – The Enhance Speech function does very well with removing unwanted static, background noises, etc.

    Stable Audio – Note it assumes you want to generate music, but trying entering something into the prompt such as “Background and noises of a metro station”.

    Video Generation

    Video generation is still very much a work in progress, and they are also much more resource intensive than text. As a result, there aren’t many truly free versions available, but a future where students can create AI for B-roll footage as part of class project etc. may not be far off.

    Sora – OpenAI appeared to be a leader in the space with their announcement of Sora. Human movement was markedly improved, though you’ll still notice glitches if you watch the woman’s feet in the first example. It still isn’t widely available for testing, however.

    Veed – The best “free” one I could find.  Free version has a watermark and limits export to 720 p.  See my New York skyline video.  By default it adds audio and subtitles which I removed in it’s basic editor. As with all freemium products, they may remove features once they have established a user base.


    NotebookLM – AI query your documents

    Posted by Todd Bryant in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

    One of the weaknesses with AI has been that its answers are always very general. The response is based on their language models containing enormous amounts of text from the web. In many cases, this provides an adequate answer, but often we want the response to based on a much more limited set of text. For businesses, this may be their private financial or marketing materials. For academics, may use a textbook or set of articles.

    If you use ChatGPT, you may have noticed a paperclip icon in the text area. You can upload files locally or via OneDrive. Google’s Bard, now Gemini, offered something last year linking to documents via Google Drive. We wrote about it in blogs posts earlier with Language Model Examples and Research Process for Undergraduate Students.

    Now Google has a site in beta called NotebookLM. It allows you to create a “notebook” containing PDFs, text files, etc. either uploaded directly or via Google Drive. You can then select some or all of these files to query.

    For example, the NotebookLM below contains a copy of “The Tale of Genji”, a foundational literary work for Japanese, which I then prompted to explain the use of colors in the text. Note the citations it generated as well.

    To recreate this:

    1. Go to NotebookLM and create a new notebook.
    2. Go here to download the Tale of Genji as a text file.
    3. Add the file to your Notebook, use the + sign top left by Sources
    4. Enter the following prompt:

      I am a professor introducing “The Tale of Genji” to first year college students. This will be their introduction to literary analysis. Please provide a description of how colors are used as symbols in the text and associated with characters in different points in the story. Provide quotations and page numbers of your examples. Include at least two characters other than Genji.

    This is one example with one file, but it will take up to twenty. In addition to articles or primary sources, another possible use is to upload the course textbook and other course materials, if PDF or text versions are available. Otherwise you can try searching for open access textbooks on the same topic. NotebookLM can then provide explanations that are more targeted to students and more closely matching explanations they received in the course. If you want to share the notebook with students, the “notes” you create are visible to others, but not your chat history.

    As with everything from AI, it can make errors, though focusing on a text and the citations are both significant improvements. NotebookLM is also very much a beta product for Google. Features may change, or it could even disappear entirely as more capabilities are added to their principal AI interface, Gemini. Finally, this is a Google product. So anyone using or sharing a NotebookLM will need a Google account to access.

    Research process using AI for an undergraduate English student

    Posted by Todd Bryant in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

    Background – This demonstration is one simplified theoretical example of how students can use AI to improve their research and also layout the process broadly step by step. As of now, all the tools mentioned below are free to use the way I describe for the general public. Some of these tools are “freemium” models meaning they have paid versions with more capabilities. With freemium models, they sometimes further restrict the free capabilities once they have a larger user base.

    It is important to explain to students that AI models are not really “intelligent” in the sense they have logic etc. Instead they are prediction engines, responding with the most likely text for a given prompt. This is way they are generally vague yet authorative sounding. The engines will nearly always generate a response regardless of it’s certainty. Therefore, any facts need to be double checked elsewhere.

    For my hypothetical situation, I’m imagining a student interested in the poet Michael Field.  Michael Field is a pseudonym for two lesbian poets, Katherine Harris Bradley and Edith Emma Cooper. The student would like learn more about Michael Field particularly how Michael Field influenced and was influenced by other writers at the time by finding common themes of the era and looking at how Michael Field approached these themes in comparison to their contemporaries. If you are interested in more quantitative AI tools, skip to the bottom to the “Further Notes” section.

    Step 1 background – I want to begin background reading on the poet Michael Field, contemporaries in contact with Michael Field, and common themes of the era in general and of Michael Field’s poetry specifically.  I would suggest using Perplexity or Copilot within the Edge browser with the prompt as “Student” below for a few reasons:

    • Perplexity and Edge both provide citations for their response, which I’ve added below in the exchange for better readability. Important caveat, AI generators are only utilizing plain text on the web, not including full pdf texts from Google Scholar etc.  Perplexity does provide an option to “Focus” on “Academic” sources.  These include SemanticScholar and Arxiv because they have plain text versions of the articles openly available.  So although far from comprehensive, still helpful at this stage.
    • Perplexity also provides a section just below with possible follow up prompts or questions.
    • I specifically ask for a number of examples in the prompt.  In general, the more specific you can be with AI the better, and one of the most common ways is to specify length, amount, number, etc.

    I start by asking Perplexity to provide a short bio of Michael Field, common themes in their poetry and a list of their contemporaries.  Once I have some background, I use Perplexity to generate possible search terms as well. The example for finding a list of search terms is below.

    Student: I am interested in finding articles about homosexuality in poetry during the Victorian era. Please provide 15 potential search terms I can use for library databases.

    Perplexity: Here are 15 potential search terms for finding articles about homosexuality in poetry during the Victorian era:

      1. Victorian homosexual poetry
      2. Homosexuality in Victorian poetry
      3. Victorian homoerotic literature
      4. Gay themes in Victorian poetry
      5. Same-sex love in Victorian poems
      6. Queer representation in Victorian poetry
      7. LGBTQ+ themes in 19th-century poetry
      8. Victorian poets and homosexuality
      9. Homosociality in Victorian literature
      10. Male-male desire in Victorian poems
      11. Victorian era and homosexual verse
      12. LGBTQ+ poets in the 1800s
      13. Victorian attitudes towards same-sex love in poetry
      14. Homoeroticism in 19th-century literature
      15. Gender and sexuality in Victorian poems

    These search terms can be used to explore various library databases and academic resources for articles and materials related to homosexuality in poetry during the Victorian era.



      • victorian poets who wrote about homosexuality
      • how did victorian society view homosexuality
      • the role of poetry in the victorian era

    Step 2 – Database search

    From my brief and very general background reading, I’ve prepared sets of search terms I can use for finding potentially related articles using our library’s databases.  When searching the databases, I want to save the full PDF texts of potential articles into one folder. I’m going to then open each article with the Edge browser, ask for a summary and potential follow up questions. If it is likely useful, I will keep it in the folder for closer reading. If not, I will delete it from the folder.

    As an example, I’m going to use the article “Queer temporality in Victorian love and marriage poems”.  I open the file with Edge.


    Please summarize this article in three paragraphs.


    Here is a summary of part 1 of the article:

        • The authors examine how Victorian poets Tennyson, Meredith, and Michael Field use amatory lyric to question the institution of marriage and the linear telos associated with it.
        • They argue that these poets employ a queer temporality that does not move forward in its trajectory but moves through repetition as a way to undermine the heteronormative expectations of marriage and reproduction.
        • They focus on how Tennyson’s In Memoriam, Meredith’s Modern Love, and Michael Field’s Long Ago reshape the expectations of writing about nineteenth-century desire and offer new possibilities for different kinds of love and marriage poems.

    See more:

        • Part 2 discusses the epithalamium genre, which is a type of wedding song or poem that celebrates the passage of the bride from virginity to marriage and motherhood. The authors explain that epithalamia often follow a three-stage structure: the procession, the threshold, and the chamber.
        • The authors argue that Tennyson’s In Memoriam, Meredith’s Modern Love, and Michael Field’s Long Ago can be read as epithalamic revisions that challenge the conventional expectations of marriage and sexuality in the Victorian era. They show how these texts use the epithalamium form to express grief, loss, betrayal, and desire, as well as to imagine alternative forms of kinship and futurity.
        • The authors also explore how these texts engage with queer temporality, which is a concept that questions the linear and progressive model of time that underlies normative narratives of marriage and history. They suggest that these texts disrupt the teleology of heterosexual marriage by invoking the past, the future, and the cyclical in their epithalamic visions.


    Write a short a short biography of Tennyson along with some of the writer’s common themes


    Alfred, Lord Tennyson was an English poet born on August 6, 1809, in Somersby, Lincolnshire, England [1]. He was the fourth of twelve children and demonstrated his literary talents quite early, writing a drama in blank verse and a 6000-line epic poem by the age of fourteen [1]. Tennyson enrolled at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he won the Newdigate Prize for poetry in 18291. His volume Poems, Chiefly Lyrical was published in 1830, but it made no significant impression on the reading public [1]. In 1832, Poems by Alfred Tennyson was published, in which early versions of many of his finest pieces appeared, including “The Lady of Shalott,” “The Palace of Art,” “The Lotos-Eaters,” “Oenone,” and “A Dream of Fair Women” [1]. Tennyson’s literary style is representative of the Victorian age, dealing with the reign of order: the law of the spiritual world and exercising the flawless man [2]. Many of his poems are about the temptation to give up and fall prey to pessimism, but they also extol the virtues of optimism and discuss the importance of struggling on with life [3]. The need to persevere and continue is the central theme of In Memoriam and “Ulysses” (1833), both written after Hallam’s death [3].





    Write a short a short biography of Meredith along with some of the writer’s common themes


    George Meredith was an English novelist and poet of the Victorian era, born on February 12, 1828, in Portsmouth, Hampshire, England [1]. His novels are noted for their wit, brilliant dialogue, and aphoristic quality of language. Meredith’s novels are also distinguished by psychological studies of character and a highly subjective view of life that, far ahead of his time, regarded women as truly the equals of men [1]. His best-known works are The Ordeal of Richard Feverel (1859) and The Egoist (1879) [2].

    Meredith’s writing reflects many of the concerns and themes of the Victorian period, such as social change, the role of women in society, and the impact of industrialization on the working class [3]. He was also known for his innovative style, which was noted for its syntactic complexity [2].

    Some of the common themes in Meredith’s works include the struggle between idealism and realism, the conflict between the individual and society, and the tension between the old and the new [4]. His works often explore the complexities of human relationships, particularly those between men and women [3].






    What is an epithalamium? Was it a common genre in the Victorian era for writers? How did these authors use epithalamiums differently?


    An epithalamium is a poem that is written specifically for the bride on the way to her marital chamber [1]. It is a form of poetry that has been popular throughout history, and it was especially popular in ancient Greece and Rome [1]. The Roman poet Catullus wrote a famous epithalamium, which was translated from or at least inspired by a now-lost work of Sappho [1].

    In the Victorian era, the novel was the leading literary genre in English, but poetry and theatre were also present [2]. The use of epithalamiums was not as common in the Victorian era as it was in ancient times, but some poets did use the form. For example, Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote an epithalamium called “The Marriage of Geraint” [3].

    Victorian writers used epithalamiums differently depending on their individual styles and interests. Some used the form to celebrate the joys of marriage, while others used it to explore the complexities of human relationships [2]. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, for example, wrote an epithalamium called “The Soul’s Expression” that explores the idea of love as a spiritual force [4].

    [1] Wikipedia

    [2] Poetry Foundation

    [3] Victorian Web

    [4] Poem Analysis


    Note –  This line below from the AI is incorrect and a good example of how errors (hallucinations in AI jargon) can sound believable but be fictitious.

    Elizabeth Barrett Browning, for example, wrote an epithalamium called “The Soul’s Expression” that explores the idea of love as a spiritual force [4]

    At this point, I’m confident the article is useful.  It includes Michael Field and how their contemporaries shared a common theme and genre. Now I can also use Edge to ask questions about portions of the text I find difficult.


    Could you rephrase this line from the text? What is a telos? Why is this important?

    “If Victorian marriage as a story of progress performs a reproductively-focused narrative – thus mirroring the heteronormative trajectory of courtship, marriage, and finally reproduction – then by reading these poems as cyclical rather than linear in nature, we can reevaluate their framing of marriage as a way to resist such telos.”


    Certainly! Here’s a rephrased version of the sentence: “If we view Victorian marriage as a story of progress that follows a linear, reproductively-focused narrative, then by reading these poems as cyclical instead, we can reassess how they frame marriage as a way to resist this narrative.”

    In this context, telos refers to the idea of a final goal or end point [1]. The author is suggesting that Victorian marriage was often portrayed as a linear progression towards reproduction, which reinforces the idea of heteronormativity [2]. By reading these poems as cyclical, the author argues that we can challenge this narrative and view marriage in a different way [2].

    [1] Merriam-Webster

    [2] JSTOR


    Using the more focused collection of articles from my database search, I’d like to see if I missed anything by searching via a different method.  My example article is my most relevant article, so I’m going to start there.  I go through the Notes section of the article and pull out references that are most likely to meet my goal of finding information on Michael Field, their use of themes and genres common to the era in comparison, and how they compared to their contemporaries. We’re going to use Litmaps and it’s Discover function.  I will add this paper and six others from the notes section of my article and have it generate the network visualization with each paper being a node/dot connected via their citations. Nodes in the center are articles I added, those on the outside are suggested articles from Litmaps.  If you select one of those articles, it displays the information about the article on the left and shows how it is related to the other articles via citations by default.  I can than use this interface to find additional related articles and follow the same process above.

    Litmaps Visualization


    Further Notes

    This theoretical process doesn’t cover all of the common use cases for using AI in student and faculty research. In the examples above, I  limited the querying and summary of PDFs to a single file at a time. Germini (formerly Google’s Bard) has a feature that lets you do the same for a collection of PDFs shared within a folder on Google Drive.  I wrote about this earlier on the blog, scroll down to the section on “Summarizing text for research“.

    Edge and Gemini now both also have the capability to accept images for analysis and summaries. They both worked quite well on basic infographics.  If anyone tries either using a more complicated chart including math equations, I’d appreciate hearing about results.

    There are also tools designed specifically for quantitative functions. EinBlick is a standalone site for creating charts and visualizations using an Excel spreadsheet or share Google sheet.  The chart below was created with a Google Sheet using the following prompt.

    “show me a bar chart of the number of messages by language use a different color for each bar”


    Finally, SciSpace does a little of all of the above allowing you to question and summarize PDFs, ask for explanations within the text, and interpret data. However, it focuses only on the sciences. Also note they changed their url from SciSpace to be As of now, the free version is still quite generous, though I believe this is likely to change.

    Hopefully this has been helpful. If you have other suggestions or feedback, please leave a comment below or email me at

    Language Technology Basics Fall 2022

    Posted by admin in Uncategorized | 1 Comment

    For students, some basic tools every student should know if taking a foreign language.


    It’s a huge time saver to be able to touch type and not use ALT codes in Word (or worse using Insert -> Symbol)  To do this, you’ll first want to add keyboard for your language in Windows of Mac.

    Mac has a very nice page that lets you choose your operating system and then provides instructions here.  Language keyboards will already be installed on many lab machines as well, look for a flag top right on Macs.  If not, you can also add keyboards on lab machines on campus.

    For Windows, use the instructions first for “Add a keyboard” on Windows 10 or 11 here.  You will then see the keyboard language symbol in your taskbar at the bottom where you can set the keyboard you want to use.  You may also see keyboards are already installed on lab machines on campus.  If not, you can add them the same way.

    Not done yet, though.  Of course our physical keyboard is still the same, it’s just the actual keys now map to different letters, accents, etc.  If you’re new to this, you’ll need to see the keyboard layout.

    For Macs this is called the “keyboard viewer”, instructions to open it are here. In Windows it’s called the “One screen keyboard” in the Ease of Access sections.  Instructions are here.  One thing to note, while look at you keyboard layout, press SHIFT to see what letter, characters, access are available while holding down SHIFT.

    Dictionary Plugin for Chrome

    Chrome has a nice dictionary plugin that allows you to see the definition of a word in a foreign language or set to see a translation.

    1. Install the Google Dictionary.
    2. To enable, click the puzzle icon top right in Chrome and then the pin.
    3. To configure, click the vertical three dots next to that pin and choose “options”
      1. The language is the language in which you want the definition to appear.
      2. If you check the first box and leave the trigger key as none, any word that you double click on a web page will open a box displaying the definition.
      3. Note that it can store your history and you can download those words here later for review.
      4. Click Save.


    Mixxer Update Article Published on FLTMag

    Posted by admin in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

    Interested in a language exchange?  The Mixxer has been completely redesigned and now includes live-chatting and new social functions including ways to thank users for corrections and find other active and selfless learners in the community.

    Search screenProfile screen

    You can read more about the update on FLTMag.

    Rise of Rome, historical simulation using Civilization V

    Posted by admin in Uncategorized | 1 Comment

    In the year 264 BCE, Rome sent a military force across the Straits of Messana to intervene in a dispute between Carthage and Syracuse. This military action, a prelude to Punic Wars, represented a fundamental change of direction in the course of Roman history and capped a crucial period of expansion. Five centuries earlier, Rome was nothing more than a collection of huts on a hill near the Tiber river and its salt beds. By the time the Romans sailed for Sicily, they had mastered the Italian peninsula and invented a system of political subjugation, population control, and military calculation that would eventually make them masters of the known world.
    The year 264 also marks a shift in the security of our evidence and understanding of the course of Roman history. From that point onward, we have more and more valuable and trustworthy sources, but before that time our tradition is, as Mary Beard says in her recent history SPQR, “based on garbled hearsay and misunderstood myth—not to mention the propagandist fantasies of many of the later leading families at Rome, who regularly manipulated or invented the ‘history’ of the early city to give their ancestors a glorious role in it.” Our most important ancient source for the period is the Ab Urbe Condita of Livy, who composed his history during the principate of Augustus (27 BCE–17 CE). Originally, the work covered the history of Rome from its legendary beginnings, Aeneas’ flight from Troy, to his own era, the death of Drusus in 9 BCE. Of the original 142 books, only 35 have survived: books 1-10, which cover Roman history from its mythical beginnings to 293 BCE, and books 21-45, which cover 218-167 BCE. While Livy is a valuable resource for understanding the history of this time, and while the study of archaeology and the material record have supplemented our literary sources to a degree, there is still much we do not know or understand about the story of how Rome came to dominate the Italian peninsula by the middle of the third century BCE.

    To understand the early history of Rome, then, we must closely scrutinize and creatively manipulate every precious piece of evidence we have, and this project was intended to do precisely that. We proposed to create a simulation of the expansion of Rome throughout the Italian peninsula using the game Civilization V. Grounded on thorough research into the primary literary sources, the material record, and recent scholarship, the finished simulation presents the gamer with a more historically accurate representation of the history of Rome.
    Our team consisted of research intern Ian White, coding intern Catalina Ionescu, research advisor Scott Farrington, and coding advisor Todd Bryant.

    We expect several concrete outcomes from the project. First, we hope that the general public and the Civilization gaming community enjoy the modified game and through gameplay gain a basic understanding of the history of the period. Furthermore, we intend to integrate the mod into the Introduction to Roman History course at Dickinson College. Furthermore, we hope to present the results at upcoming digital humanities conferences.

    We hope that by developing an innovative and creative way to interact with early Roman history, we have opened new avenues of inquiry into a historical question that is current, by no means settled, and often overlooked.

    Read the entire ReadMe file documenting the research –

    Download via Steam –


    WorldBuilder Map

    Opening Screen Game Map Puppet Options

    CIV 5 Mod, Western World in 1492 Historical Scenario

    Posted by Todd Bryant in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

    The Dickinson College 1492 Historical Scenario mod for Civilization V, created by Patrick Schlee and Edwin Padilla and advised by Professor Ed Webb and Todd Bryant, aims to provide a historical environment representing Europe and the Americas with the greatest possible historical accuracy within the limits of the simulation.

    Using built-in as well as customized variables and game logic, significant phenomena of the early modern era, including the late Renaissance, early Scientific Revolution, the Atlantic Slave Trade, the Reformation and are included. Playable civilizations include the Aztecs, the Quiche Maya, the Tarascans of Michoacan, the Incas, the Songhai, Morocco, Spain, Portugal, France, England, the Netherlands, Venice, and the Papal State. This map covers Western Europe, Mesoamerica, North and West Africa, and parts of the North and South Americas, with alterations for playability.

    This scenario contains some educational aspects that may help promote discussion on the development of overseas empires, the conquest of indigenous American civilizations, the exploitation of indigenous peoples and the development of the Atlantic slave trade. While the moral and social implications meant to be invoked by this game may not interest some gamers, it allows this to mod to potentially be a productive tool for opening up dialogue among people who might not otherwise recognize the modern consequences of these events.

    All civs included are playable, including the two new ones, and numerous city-states were created and added just for this.  The map based on contemporary and more recent maps showing the geography, era-specific borders, resources and production locations. Resources, besides a few discrepancies noted in the readme, are balanced and located generally where they were during the time period. It’s also designed with certain historical events in mind, particularly wars in Italy, the slave trade, Portuguese invasions of Morocco, and constant competition between England, France, and Spain.  Further details along with background research are available in the ReadMe file.

    Mod Overview

    – 13 Playable Civs: Songhai, Morocco, Spain, Portugal, England, Netherlands, France, Venice, Quiche Maya, Incans, Aztecs, and custom civs the Tarascan Empire and the Papal State.

    – significantly larger but geographically accurate representation of the Americas for larger competition.

    – Atlantic Slave Trade option: by getting Open Borders with an African civ or an alliance with an African city-state, players can activate a significant boost to their colonial productivity.

    – Play from 1492 to 1715.

    – Atlantic ocean adapted to make travel lengthy while maintaining playability.

    – New policy trees for the era: Renaissance, Monarchy, Reformation and Counter-Reformation, all with notable bonuses.

    – Civ-specific religions, including Catholicism, Islam, Cult of Tlaloc etc.

    – Players may chose the Reformation or start the Counter-Reformation

    – 26 new city states covering Italy, Africa, and the Americas

    – 2 new playable civs and leaders: Pope Alexander VI de Borgia of the Papal State, and Cazonci Zuangua of the Tarascan Empire.

    – New units/buildings for those new civs: Pirinda Guards, Frontier Walls, Swiss Guards, and Franciscan Monastery

    Important Notes Before Playing

    -This is a Huge map, with 13 civilizations and 26 city-states.   We required a machine with 8 GB of RAM and an Intel i5 processor 2.0Ghz.  It’s highly suggested that players start with quick combat and quick movement both on.

    -Some players’ systems might not be able to take the map size. If the game will not start on load, lower the graphic settings.  I suggest turning shadows and leader movies off first as they take up the most memory.

    -To play the scenario as intended, make sure to use the 1492 map provided with the mod, and check “Load Scenario” when the map is chosen.

    -Prince is the standard difficulty for this map, but we suggest playing on King or higher for experienced Civ V players.

    -WARNING: Save the game immediately after starting then reload.  This is part of a known bug in Civ V that effects gameplay after conquering a city.  More details are available here,


    After downloading from CivFanatics or Steam, be sure the entire mod folder is in your \Documents\My Games\Sid Meier’s Civilization 5\MODS directory and you’ll need to copy the map from the map folder to \Documents\My Games\Sid Meier’s Civilization 5\Maps.  You need to have both to play the full scenario.



    1492 Aztecs

    1492 Europe


