Mehr Fortschritt Wagen : Katie Vassilakos

this newly elected governmental coalition was put in place to turn the corner and aim for more sustainable transportation options throughout Germany. This agreement which loosley translates into ‘dare to innovate’ or ‘dare to make progress’, focuses on transitioning public transportation into more sustainable option. The coalition is made up from SPD (German labor party), the Green party and the FDP (a centralists Political Party). They have set goals regarding public transportation like getting at least 15 million electric cars, changing infrastructure for electric mobility and creating simplified grid connections and more easily traveled locations. Alongside many other revolutionary changes Germany is aiming to make strong transportation focused changes to turn towards a more sustainable future. This idea can be transferred to the US, with more subsides for environmentally friendly cars, and a heavier push towards utilizing public transportation it could easily be put into action in the States with governmental support.

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