In Fall 2010, Dickinson College student Will Nelligan produced a lively short profile of John F. Kennedy’s grandfather, John “Honey Fitz” Fitzgerald, who was elected mayor of Boston in 1905. Ring the Bell Twice: Honey Fitz
3 search results for "Will Nelligan"
ESSAY –Election Day 1912
Dickinson College student Will Nelligan produced a creative examination of how ex-president Theodore Roosevelt experienced Election Day on 1912, when he was running as a Progressive or Bull Moose candidate in a three-way contest that included Democrat Woodrow Wilson (the…
Student contributors for this project include undergraduates from Dickinson College and graduate students who have participated in Matthew Pinsker’s online courses for the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History. In some cases, we also have middle and high school student contributors,…