After researching for various assignments over the past week and reading the material in the workbook, I have realized that my tactics have transitioned from un-systematic to more intentional. When approaching a new history paper topic in the past, I often used search engines such as Google and Yahoo to prepare myself for more in depth research. By initially using these search engines, I was able to gather simple facts and information on my paper topic, which allowed me to develop a more comprehensive understanding later on. This strategy then helped me to draw a conclusion based on my initial research. My research method was un-systematic because when researching, I would simply record anything that I found important to my topic. After reading the material in the workbook, I now realize that there are more effective ways to begin to research a new history paper topic.

After reading chapters 10-12 of The Methods and Skills of History, it became clear that my tactic for researching was ineffective because I learned that events in history are susceptible to interpretation and that historians utilize two types of sources. Sources are categorized between primary and secondary and they can both be problematic when being utilized in a research paper. I then learned about author bias, which can also directly affect the quality of my research and paper. This workbook reading encouraged me to create a more intentional strategy in approaching a new history research topic because the importance of a credible source was made clear. The material in the workbook reading changed my understanding of the problems involved in historical research because I was not aware that sources can seem credible while being affected by an author’s interpretation.

I have learned to not only use the closest search engine to approach a new history topic but to utilize the Dickinson College archives and library database. After doing the many workbook activities in The Methods and Skills of History, I have learned to draw connections between each piece of research that I come across related to my topic. Drawing connections encourages me to investigate any relating events to my topic while analyzing the many accounts of the event that have been recorded. I have learned to properly organize my research while thinking about topic sentences, a thesis statement, and a conclusion. Through learning how to draw connections and organize information, I believe that I will be more successful in approaching a new history research topic.