1) Pronunciation/ choosing a Roman name/ Nomen mihi est _____/ Quid agis?/ Ago optime, bene, haud male, male and pessime!/ Dialogues 1 and 2/ Family Vocabulary and draw and color a family tree
2) Vocabulary for Chapter 1 (pg. 7) and translate the cartoon on pages 2-6/ Fill-in-the-blanks in Practicing the Language “A”/ PowerPoint Presentation on Roman houses/ Draw and label the parts of a Roman house
3) Review the vocabulary from Chapter 1 with the prison game/ Complete word study B (pg. 17) based on the students’ knowledge of vocabulary from Chapter 1/ PowerPoint presentation on Roman clothing/ Parts of Speech
4) Vocabulary for Chapter 2 (pg. 34)/ translation of cartoons on page 20-23/ Subjects and Direct Objects/ Practice diagramming sentences (use sentences from Exercise B on page 27)/ Complete Exercise C on page 27/ PowerPoint presentation on Roman Dinner Parties and Roman food/ Pretend you are a host and create a menu for a Roman Dinner Party
5) Mythology: The Creation of the world and the 12 Titans/ Vocabulary for Chapter 3/ PowerPoint on Aqueducts/ Building an Aqueduct online game (NOVA)/ Review subjects and direct objects/ Exercise C on page 42
6) Vocabulary review game (Chapters 1-3)/ Mythology: The Olympian Gods/ The Rape of Persephone video/ Comprehension questions about the Rape of Persephone/ the endings –t/ the endings –o and –s/ Translate the comic strip on pages 52-56
7) Vocabulary for Chapter 4/ Teach students about the Roman Forum using Google Earth/ Have students go on a scavenger hunt in East College to find posters representing buildings that would have stood in or near the Roman forum/ Mythology: The Creation of Man, the creation of woman and the flood
8) Vocabulary for Chapter 5/ translate the comic strip for Chapter 5/ Singular verbs and plural verbs – change the verb from plural to singular or singular to plural/ Singular nouns and plural nouns – change the noun from singular to plural or plural to singular/ Create a singular and plural chart for nouns and verbs/ Complete the Word Study Exercise A based on the vocabulary for Chapter 5
9) Vocabulary review game (chapters 4 and 5)/ Myths of Love: Echo and Narcissus, Apollo and Daphne/ Pygmalion/ Pyramus and Thisbe/ Philemon and Baucis/ Zeus and Io/ Zeus and Europa/ Cupid and Psyche
10) Roman Theatre/ Choose two of the love myths out of a hat and act out the love myth/ Chapter 6 vocabulary/ Translate the comic strip for Chapter 6
11) The imperfect tense and the perfect tense/ Present and Imperfect forms of sum, esse/ Slavery in Rome: The Slave Market/ Making a Market Sign/ Slavery in Rome: Treatment of Slaves/ PowerPoint on Spartacus and show a clip from the end of Spartacus
12) Chapter 8 Vocabulary/ translate the comic strips for chapter 8 (pages 122-124)/ noun chart – singular and plural subjects and singular and plural direct objects/ Exercise D (pg. 130)/ Comparative and superlative adjectives/ Exercise C (pg. 132)
13) PowerPoint on blood sports and types of gladiators/ Vocabulary review game (chapters 6 and 8)/ Mythology: Hubris: Arachne/ Atlanta/ Midas/ Bellerophon and Icarus
14) Vocabulary for Chapter 9/ translation of the comic strip for Chapter 9 (pg. 142-144)/ PowerPoint presentation on the baths/ Complete Word Study A (pg. 159) based on the vocabulary for Chapter 9
15) Watch a video version of the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice/ Review noun endings: nominative and accusative singular and plural/ Review verb endings: 3rd person singular and 3rd person plural: present, imperfect and pluperfect tenses/ present and imperfect tenses of sum
16) Vocabulary for Chapter 11/ translation of the comic strip for Chapter 11 (pg. 204/ Conjugating verbs in the present and imperfect tenses/ Dead Fish Game/ Watch “The Last Days of Pompeii” to talk about the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius
17) Conjugating the perfect tense/ The Dead Fish Game/ Vocabulary review game for Chapters 9-11/ Finish watching “The Last Days of Pompeii”/ (if time) Mythology: Divine Punishments: Ixion, Sisyphus, Niobe and Tantalus
Special Events:
- Saturnalia Celebration
- “Hercules” Showing
- Lecture on Greek and Roman Heroes
- Planetarium Show
- Olympic Games for Parents’ Day