Goblin Market vs. Goblin Fruit

I recently read an interpretation of Goblin Market as a short story called Goblin Fruit by Laini Taylor. In this version Lizzie is the grandmother of the Kizzy who lives in a community that believes in myths of supernatural. Lizzie talks about Laura and how she grew up to be an amazing woman who after she was saved by the Goblin Men. Kizzy identifies with her Laura as wilding and ‘wanting’ girl. It is interesting to see the change in the sexual focus. Kizzy meets a boy at school who wants to seduce her and later is revealed to be the Goblin Men in disguise. Goblin Market has many sexualized language between Lizzie and the men “hugged and kissed her: squeezed and caressed her” (10)  but then moves to the sexualized language of Lizzie and Laura “hug me, kiss me, suck my juices”(13). In Goblin Fruit the only sexual encounter is with Kizzie and the Jack, the Goblin men in disguise. Kizzie kisses Jack and sucks the goblin fruit from his lips just like Laura and Lizzie but there is more implied sexual intention between Kizzie and Jack. Though Laura “Kissed and kissed and kiss’ it was to get the juice that she lusted and it does not seem intentionally for not her sister. Kizzie want to kiss Jack because of her sexual desires for him. She knows that he is covered in the juice that will kill her but kisses Jack anyway for sexual reasons. Even though both stories have theme of sexuality and kissing as a vehicle for it Goblin Fruit seems to be more explicit in implying sexual experiences whereas Goblin Market has sexuality that is more sub text (though there is much sexual language). This could be because of a taboo couple (sister/lesbians) vs a more accepted couple (heterosexual).