Religion in Dracula

The presence of religion in “Dracula” is very evident and plays a significant part in the book as characters use it as a way to protect themselves from the vampires.

The idea of religion can be noticed even from the beginning of the book, on Chapter 1 and page 11, when Jonathan Harker arrives in a hotel and is being warned by an old lady about “evil things” that are going to occur during that night. Later on, the old lady provides him with a crucifix to protect him from supernatural events. Even though in the beginning, characters such as Jonathan underestimated the idea of the supernatural, in the progress of the plot they seem to be using supernatural ways such as garlic rings and crucifixes to deal with Count Dracula.

Also, in Chapter 23 and page 136, Van Helsing uses the crucifix as a way of protecting himself and also as a way of power and control over the Count. Even though, Count Dracula has super strength, immortality, extreme speed, and many more supernatural features the power of religion is emphasized through the crucifixes and religious practices, which tend to make him weaker or at least distracted. The use of religion, however, is depicted more through objects such as the crucifixes rather than the actual faith in God.



2 thoughts on “Religion in Dracula”

  1. I agree that religion does play a significant role in Dracula. In Dracula, we see the controversy between good and evil, and symbols such as crucifixion and rosaries. In your example, Jonathan shows that he does not believe of supernatural ideas and the crucifixion, which shows that he is not very religious. Blood is an imagery in Dracula, which is a symbol in religion as well. We can see this when Dracula repeats that “blood is life” multiple times, which gives him youthfulness and power.

  2. You make a really interesting point about the idea of religion being a way to protect one’s self from Dracula. I would like to further explore the ideas you present in the end about religion having “power and control” over the Count. Could It be possible that Dracula gains his power through fear? If so, could it also be that God, the opposite of evil hellish creates, is what makes people’s fears go away? Perhaps the crucifix does not actually harm the Count, but rather it takes power away from him. I think these questions are important because if this is so, then it can be argued that Stoker is criticizing the actual role of religion in the world of Victorian problems. It does nothing more than empowering certain people and take their worries away. It lessens the power of their issues, yet Victorians are not exactly sure why.

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