Within this tumultuous and exciting time, revolutions raged throughout numerous countries, including Italy, Austria-Hungary, Germany, and more, and clearly caught the attention of Marx. Following the creation of the Manifesto of the Communist Party, Marx was ordered to leave Belgium, and settled once gain in Paris, France. There, he helped to form a new central body of the Communist League and established a German Workers’ Club within the city. Both Marx and Engels became involved in the revolutions, either through their writings or by joining the cause. Both men arrived in Cologne to participate in the revolution there and immediately founded the daily newspaper Neue Rheinische Zeitung as a way to show their support of the workers’ struggles and the national liberation movements throughout various other countries. Marx encountered familiar troubles, however, as he was ordered once again to leave the Prussian state by the government and later ordered to leave France.

Key Words: Italian Revolutions, French Revolution, Manifesto of the Communist Party, Arrest, Paris German Workers’ Club, Hungarian Revolution, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, Vienna Workers’ Association, Vienna’s Counter-Revolution, Legal Trouble

To explore the five other eras of Marx’s life, please click on one of the following links:Childhood and Education Entrance into Journalism and Affiliation with Rheinische Zeitung, Exile in Paris and Brussels,  Exile in London: Before Das Kapital, and  Exile in London: After Das Kapital.

*To see a visual tour of Marx’s movements throughout this era and his entire lifetime, please click on the following link to download the file and open it up in a Google Earth program: Karl Marx Tour

Please see the link above to access the visual tour of Marx’s movements