Shortly after they married, young Karl and Jenny moved to Paris, where Marx began to affiliate with the city’s League of the Just and the Workers’ Society. Throughout this era, Marx devoted a significant amount of time to focusing on and revising Hegel’s Philosophy of Law, as well as recording his own notes critiquing industrial and capitalist societies. Engels and Marx additionally began to work together on their first joint-publications, including The Holy Family and The German Ideology. Due to mounting pressures from the Prussian Government, however, Marx and his wife, as well as their recently-born daughter, Jenny, were forced to leave France. The family decided to make a new home in Brussels, Belgium, where Marx again worked to unite socialists and workers by creating the German Workers’ Society and establishing the Communist Correspondence Committee, as well as officially joining the League of the Just.

 Key Words: Marriage, Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Law, Paris, Heinrich Heine, Deutsch-Franzosische Jahrbucher, Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, The Holy Family, The German Ideology, Exile, Brussels, Theses on Feuerbach, Prussian Citizenship, “Circular against Kriege,” The Poverty of Philosophy, Communist League, German Workers’ Society, Brussels Democratic Association, Wage Labour and Capital, Silesian Weavers

To explore the five other eras of Marx’s life, please click on one of the following links:Childhood and Education Entrance into Journalism and Affiliation with Rheinische Zeitung1848 Revolutionary Events and Writings Exile in London: Before Das Kapital, and  Exile in London: After Das Kapital.

*To see a visual tour of Marx’s movements throughout this era and his entire lifetime, please click on the following link to download the file and open it up in a Google Earth program: Karl Marx Tour

Please see the link above to access the visual tour of Marx’s movements