Following the chaos of yet another exile, Marx and his family made a new home in London, England at the end of the summer in 1849. Throughout the next couple of years, Marx suffered numerous and severe tragedies, as three of his young children passed away, one at the age of eight, and two at the age of one. In addition to the death of his children, Marx later endured the loss of his mother, Henriette. Despite these hardships, the revolutionary figure continued to fight for the international unification of workers as he became more involved in the International Working Men’s Association and continued to publish Furthermore, Marx put significant time and energy into creating and publishing the work that remains his defining triumph: Das Kapital.

Key Words: London, Address of the Central Authority to the League, New York Daily Tribune, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, Prussian Government, Labor Parliament, Crisis in Europe, Herr Vogt, International Working Men’s’ Association, Volume I of Das Kapital

To explore the five other eras of Marx’s life, please click on one of the following links:Childhood and Education Entrance into Journalism and Affiliation with Rheinische Zeitung, Exile in Paris and Brussels,  1848 Revolutionary Events and Writings, and  Exile in London: After Das Kapital.

*To see a visual tour of Marx’s movements throughout this era and his entire lifetime, please click on the following link to download the file and open it up in a Google Earth program: Karl Marx Tour

Please see the link above to access the visual tour of Marx’s movements