Tuesday, September 25th, 2012...9:53 amChris Francese

Wish to Be What You Are (Martial, Epigrams 10.47)

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Health Benefits of Vaping: What You Need To Know

A debate has been ongoing ever since vaping was introduced in the market. It might be that friends and family have their own opinions about this. Unfortunately, most of these opinions are based on myths and research and not based on evidence-based research. There is one thing that people believe in general. This is that vaping in moderation is much better than smoking cigarettes.

 Vaping is easier to quit compared to smoking

The majority of e-liquid ranges can offer you various strength levels which can give you control over your regular nicotine intake. This enables you to gradually decrease your nicotine intake in a manner that is doable for you. This is something that smoking cigarettes cannot offer and even NRTs. Through a gradual reduction in your nicotine intake, you will be able to satisfy your cravings and reduce your total intake until you are totally free of both the smoking habit and the vaping with a nicotine habit.

Vaping is safer than smoking cigarettes

Vapes and e-cigarettes are safer for your health and the environment as well compared to smoking. In smoking, the tar that is produced can cause your lungs that can’t be repaired. The amount of nicotine that you can get from a cigarette stick has a corresponding impact on your lungs and the environment. Thus, before you start believing what you hear, research first and find out the difference between facts and hearsay. This will lead you to the right decision.

E-cigarettes are an excellent way to help one quit smoking

Research has shown that vaping is twice as effective as NRTs or traditional nicotine replacement therapies. This term refers to lozenges, gums, patches, inhalers, and other more traditional smoking cessation tools. A study conducted in partnership with the NHS stop smoking service discovered that in a group of smokers who are trying to quit, 18 percent of the e-cig users were able to quit smoking compared to only 9.9 percent of those who used traditional NRTs.

The nicotine rush that one can get from vaping is only one of the reasons for its effectiveness in stopping the smoking habit. Another reason for its success is that it mimics and addresses the physical habits including the cravings that one has developed over years of smoking cigarettes. Most smokers struggle with something they can do with their hands once they have quit. Vaping answers this. Even the physical act of inhaling or exhaling smoke is addressed by vaping which is not possible with gums, lozenges, and patches. For smokers who practice vaping as a social habit, they can continue socializing without maintaining a harmful habit. Make sure you give it a try and buy menthol vape juice online on vaprzon for deals.

Second-hand vapor is less dangerous than second-hand smoke

The effect of second-hand smoking has been studied for years, and smoking has been considered hazardous to smokers as well as to the people around them. In adults, second-hand smoke causes lung cancer, stroke, and heart disease. Children, on the other hand, experience an increased risk for asthma attacks, sudden infant death syndrome, and ear, nose, and throat infections. The current studies on second-hand vapor revealed that its effects are negligible. This is because vapor dissipates faster and does not cause harm to the people around. To be on the safe side, however, some doctors suggest not vaping around small children and pregnant women.

No harmful chemicals are produced by the e-cigarette when exhaling

Vape has fewer ingredients compared to traditional tobacco cigarettes. This results in fewer compounds in the vapor that are exhaled. The majority of e-liquids only have four ingredients, which are VG (vegetable glycerin), PG (propylene glycol), nicotine, and vape flavorings. These are all considered safe for consumption. Meanwhile, tobacco has more than 7,000 chemicals during smoke exhalation.

Vaping is easier to quit compared to smoking

The majority of e-liquid ranges can offer you various strength levels which can give you control over your regular nicotine intake. This enables you to gradually decrease your nicotine intake in a manner that is doable for you. This is something that smoking cigarettes cannot offer and even NRTs. Through a gradual reduction in your nicotine intake, you will be able to satisfy your cravings and reduce your total intake until you are totally free of both the smoking habit and the vaping with a nicotine habit.


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