York County Stream Team Strikes Again!

Event Details: November 12, 2019 in York County   Meredith: For the second year in a row, I had the unique opportunity to train the York County Stream Team on ALLARM’s community-based stream monitoring protocol. The Stream Team program is an initiative that I have…

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) Breakfast with ALLARM!

On November 5, 2019, The Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM), had the opportunity to meet and have breakfast with Joel Reynolds and Jacob Scherr from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Both lawyers have worked with various organizations like watershed organizations, Trout Unlimited, and…

crayfish closeup

Collaborative Macroinvertebrate Workshop

ALLARM Members: Helen Schlimm, Hayat Rasul, Abby Kaija, Hiba Aoid, Olivia Spildooren, Matt Zaremba York Stream Team Macroinvertebrate Workshop, October 26, York, PA Matt: On October 26th, ALLARMies headed to York College to host a workshop on macroinvertebrate identification and monitoring. After meeting the York…

Watershed Specialist Conference

Entering the month of October, I presented the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring’s (ALLARM) Study Design Process at the Pennsylvania Watershed Specialist Conference, State College, PA. This was my first time presenting at a conference for ALLARM [with our director] Julie Vastine. One of my…

Letort Walk: A Reflection on Warmer Months

Earlier this semester, 4 watershed coordinators along with our Director, Julie Vastine, led 19 Dickinson students and family members on a tour of the LeTort Spring run to discuss the ecology of the area and ALLARM’s mission. In celebration of homecoming weekend, we welcomed family…

Craighead House Educational Event!

ALLARM Members: Julie Vastine, Hiba Aoid, and Karan Shakya  Craighead House Education Event, October 5, Boiling Springs, PA On October 5, members of ALLARM ventured out to Craighead House at Boiling Springs to introduce participants on ways to understand stream health. Since the Yellow Breeches…

My Very First Cumberland Stream Team Workshop!

Cumberland Stream Team Workshop, September 24, Kaufman 109, Carlisle, PA  On September 24th, members of ALLARM and 16 Stream Team volunteers came together to prepare for their volunteer monitoring experience in Cumberland County. Before volunteers got to dive into learning how to use the water…

The Stream Team Process

I have had the opportunity to experience many stages of Stream Team: what is that, you may ask? It is a volunteer water quality monitoring program created by ALLARM in partnership with the Lower and Middle Susquehanna Riverkeepers. First, interested community members are informed about…

Cumberland County Stream Team Workshop

Event Information: Cumberland County Stream Team workshop, June 11, Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA On June 11, 2019 the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM) held the first Stream Team Workshop for Cumberland County. Out of the marvelous 25 participants, I had the opportunity to train…

Study Design Facilitation

Event Information: Study Design Facilitation, June 13, Havre de Grace Maritime Museum, Havre de Grace, MD At ALLARM, we get to partner with different organizations on different levels. We got to work with the Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative (CMC) in setting the foundation for the Head…

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