About Me

About Me: Zhané Gumbs


Hello everyone! My name is Zhané Gumbs and I’m from New Haven, Connecticut. I am a first-year here at Dickinson leaning towards a major in International Business and Management with a minor in French and Francophone Studies and a Food Studies certificate. This course helps with my Food Studies path but is also related to my life-long interest in cooking. Food has always been a part of my life, as it has for everyone, and this course gives me greater insight into the makeup of food and how they react/interact. I am Colombian, Cape Verdean, and Anguillan and the majority of the cuisines and diet include meat or animal-derived food products. Since I am taking the steps to transition to a vegetarian and ultimately plant-based diet, I would like to find substitutes for my favorite dishes. Chemistry in the Kitchen allows me to see the makeup of the food and choose substitutes that react the same chemically to get the same outcome for the recipes I love. For this reason, I decided to investigate Natilla Colombiana: See Recipe at a Glance: Natilla Colombiana for a quick look and a recipe card!

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