Dickinson to Durban » Climate Change, Environmental Justice, Environmental Politics, Featured, Key COP17 Issues, Mosaic Action, Student Research » AOSIS Increases Urgency
AOSIS Increases Urgency
Claire Tighe ‘13
Just tuned into a press briefing hosted by AOSIS to hear about their progress in the last two weeks. What is the state of their demands for the outcomes of COP17? Have these changed over the last two weeks? What about since the last few COPs? What is left to be done?

Tuvalu at COP15. According to AOSIS, their negotiating positions have remained constant in the last 3 years.
According to the vicechair of AOSIS, their negotiating positions have not changed much since 2009, as they still use the “Protocol Approach,” which advocates for a second commitment of the Kyoto Protocol (KP). However, since the last two COPs, AOSIS has increased the level of urgency with which they approach the negotiations. They do this by highlighting scientific findings that predict catastrophic climate change, particularly for the most vulnerable (small island states). According to AOSIS, their negotiating positions are guided by the looming impacts that they face due to climatic changes.
At this point, the following are AOSIS’ areas of concern at the negotiations:
1.) A second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol (by 2012, not 2020!). AOSIS stated that they have had “good chats” with the E.U. and that “the overwhelming majority of parties” agree with their stance. They also agree with the U.S.’ roadmap for mitigation, but demand that they commit to action before 2020.
2.) Legally binding agreement from the Adhoc Working Group for Longterm Cooperative Action. AOSIS demands this, as they know that agreeing to the Kyoto Protocol is not enough to prevent catastrophic changes.
3.) Increase ambition for parties to make agreements. AOSIS demands that other parties have the political will to “do the right thing.”
4.) Implement agreements from Cancún (COP16), namely make progress on the Green Climate Fund. The chairperson of AOSIS is confident that they can reach agreement on the GCF before the end of COP17. To do this, they need funding from developed countries in order to actually make the fund work. At this point, both Denmark and Germany have pledged funding. Now other developed countries need to follow suit.
5.) AOSIS demands finalization of review for 2013-2015. As of now, there has been disagreement because of the need for a 2°C or 1.5°C target.
With less than 48 hours left to finalize negotiations, AOSIS stressed the importance of needing ALL parties to be on board with these demands. They continue to push for agreement and increase urgency and ambition.
Filed under: Climate Change, Environmental Justice, Environmental Politics, Featured, Key COP17 Issues, Mosaic Action, Student Research · Tags: AOSIS, AWG-LCA, Cancun Agreements, Claire Tighe, climate change, Climate change negotiations, COP 17, COP15, COP16, COP17, Developing Countries, Durban, Kyoto Protocol, mitigation, Negotiations, UNFCCC
Issue number three is the arguement that should resonate with other countries from a moralistic standpoint. Unfortunately, and as I’m sure you’re aware, this moralistic standpoint does not resonate with the economic viewpoints typically held by both developing countries and economically-secure developed countries who have their money as a top priority. This disparity is one of the issues at the crux of the negotiations roadblock, as sad and frustrating as it is.