Dickinson to Durban » Archive
Finding my feet
Esther Babson The first day at the conference can be whittled down to one word, whirlwind. Emily comparing it to Disneyworld is a perfect comparison. After being bused to the drop off point, we had to wait in lines (or “queues” as our British and Australian counterparts taught us) in the heat just hoping to get into the metaphorical rollercoaster which we eventually entered. The first objective upon entering the conference center was just to find a place to meet and once that was established, at a small semi-circle of cushion chairs, we were all set free. At first I didn’t know what to do with myself. I had contacts I could email but finding WiFi at first was impossible and I had no idea where anything was! We also learned … Read entire article »
Filed under: Climate Change, Environmental Politics
Durban…is there hope?

Esther Babson ’13 Literature on the potential of Durban all focus on the Kyoto Protocol; and with good reason. As 2012 is the end of the commitment period, decisions need to be made in Durban about how countries want to continue in dealing with climate change. Durban could be the rebirth of Kyoto with a second commitment period set up, or it’s death place with nothing set up for the upcoming years. As of now, it … Read entire article »
Filed under: Climate Change, Environmental Politics, Key COP17 Issues
Get Local Governments Involved!
Esther Babson ’13 Throughout history, the key to making an issue a priority of the people and government, is by mainstreaming the issue. This can be incredibly difficult, especially when the issue is considered a “threat” to growth and economic development in a country. Unfortunately many people still see climate change in this way. Due to this perception, of efforts to deal with climate change as economically damaging, trying to bring change in government policies for climate change is even more of a struggle. Durban, South Africa has actually made some impressive progress in mainstreaming climate change which will hopefully lead to decision makers realizing the importance of this issue. The article “Thinking globally, action locally-institutionalizing climate change at the local government level in Durban, South Africa” by Debra Roberts hones in … Read entire article »
Filed under: Climate Change, Environmental Politics
Solutions from Industry
By:Esther Babson The private sector is and has been a very important player in the climate negotiations. According to Governing Climate Change by Harriet Bulkeley and Peter Newell, recent times have seen a switch in some areas to a more “positive engagement with climate governance initiatives”(92). As learned from Merchants of Doubt by Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway, industry’s role typically involves stalling policies and negotiations around climate change. In Governing Climate Change the authors even mention Fred Singer who was a main focus in Merchants of Doubt as a scientist who raised questions about anthropogenic climate change via funds from fossil fuel companies(Bulkely and Newell, 89). Bulkeley and Newell site this strategy of challenging the science of climate change as just one of six different political strategies used to “promote … Read entire article »
Filed under: Climate Change, Environmental Politics
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