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Small is Possible

Planting a tree, carbon free commuting, composting, recycling.  All things that are good practices and things that more people should be doing but a single person doing these things will not stop Global Climate Change.  Many say, on the other side, that the only way that we can hold Global Climate Change where it is or from getting to much worse is to have a complete overhaul of governmental action and policy.  Again, this is absolutely something that needs to happen and needs to happen fast.  The debate that I always find myself in when I think of the dispute between which is more important to happen is that,  without governmental change, will there be behavioral change?  Or vise versa, without behavioral change, will there be governmental change?  I believe that the answer is no in … Read entire article »

Filed under: Climate Change

Violence, Only When There is Nothing Else

Explain the reasons behind the creation of Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK). Do you think adopting violence as a method strengthened or weakened the anti-apartheid movement?   Umkhonto we Sizwe was created to combat, literally, apartheid and to be military support for the ANC. Nelson Mandela in his “I am prepared to die” speech states that “as a result of Government policy, violence by the African people had become inevitable, and that unless responsible leadership was given to canalize and control the feelings of our people, there would be outbreaks of terrorism which would produce an intensity of bitterness and hostility between the various races of this country which is not produced even by war”. I feel that the formation of MK was unfortunately necessary for the equal treatment of the people in … Read entire article »

Filed under: Summer Reading Responses

The Talking Heads Are Not Always Right

Have public media and journalists contributed to confusion and doubt about climate change? What can/should they do to present science and scientific debate accurately on this topic?   Yes, Public media and journalists have contributed to the confusion about climate change. Though I would not attribute all of the confusion to the media nor would I say that they are entirely at fault. The media has an obligation to report news and facts, but when they are fed poor information they add to the confusion. Media is often feed information and those when they are told by an expert that “cigarette smoke does not cause health issues” or “climate change is not a problem” and they report that information on the word of said expert, it is hard to blame the media … Read entire article »

Filed under: Summer Reading Responses

Where’d the Snow Go

As early as the 1930s, the person on the street was discussing how “the weather wasn’t what it used to be.” How is your personal experience with the weather congruent or incongruent with what climate scientists are telling us? Growing up in Massachusetts, I’ve seen a lot of snow.  Waking up at 5 in the morning, running downstairs to watch the news to see if school was canceled.  As I have gotten older though, it seems the quantities of snow we see each year have dwindled.  The storms that come to the area are not as severe and the quantities tend to be less for every storm.  So, what happened?  It seems that the scientists are on to something.  The concept of global climate change is now widely excepted, and from my personal life experiences and observations … Read entire article »

Filed under: Summer Reading Responses, Weather