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Dickinson to Durban » Entries tagged with "Carbon Offsets"

Stop! Don’t Offset… Carbon Offsets the Snake Oil of CO2 Mitigation

by Sam Parker, ’12 In 2009, there was a bill, called the Waxman-Markey Climate Bill, that has passed through the House and was killed in the Senate.  This bill was potentially one of the most significant climate laws to have ever been seen in the U.S.  It would instate a Cap and Trade system of carbon trading on U.S. coal power plants .  This bill came under much scrutiny from many different places. Possibly the biggest criticism was the effects Cap and Trade may have had on the economy.  I wish to criticize a different aspect of this bill, offsets.  As noted by Laurie Williams and Allen Zabel in there video The Huge Mistake, the bill would have allowed for the companies to purchase carbon offsets to mitigate there CO2 emissions for 20 years … Read entire article »

Filed under: Carbon Markets, Climate Change, Key COP17 Issues, Mosaic Action