Failure to decrease our emissions could lead to more skies like this one, in Japan

Failure to decrease our emissions could lead to more skies like this one, in Japan

Absolute vs Intensity Emission Targets

Since the earliest stages of climate change negotiations, methods for making emissions cutbacks have been a subject of hot debate.   Absolute caps, which would establish national, legally-binding emission goals, are the most well-known and environmentally effective system, however developing countries have recently pushed for intensity targets instead, insisting that target levels not interfere with growth and development.  This report explores the pros and cons of the absolute and intensity cap system methods, seeking to balance equity concerns with the pressing concerns about climate change consequences.   Is the most effective method also the most ethical?

Further reading:

Annex B Kyoto Targets

CO2 targets:  Where Should Humanity Aim?, Hansen

How to Avoid Dangerous Climate Change

The Case for Intensity Targets, William Pizer

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