Bettina Cerban on December 8th, 2009

A little over an hour ago I interviewed Dr. Sumaya ZakiEldeen, a member of Sudan’s delegation and a professor at Khartoum University, along with Phil Rothrock and Doni Hoffman. While discussing Sudan’s position and her current work in capacity building, she called attention to the disparities in the resources and time allocated to climate change […]

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dunningg on December 8th, 2009

The Kyoto 2 Copenhagen group started out our interviewing process with a bang on Saturday.  While waiting for a temporary lockdown to lift, we found ourselves stuck in a crowd with John Pershing, the Head of the US Delegation!  The group all crowded around as Dickinson student Kelly Rogers asked Mr. Pershing what differentiations should […]

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hoffmand on December 8th, 2009

Transportation accounts for 20% of global energy demand and 23% of energy related CO2. Between 2005 and 2030, the emissions from transportation are predicated to increase by 57%. Pretty crazy… especially for us in the United States where transportation isn’t just helpful… its indispensable. We often take mobility for granted, but we value it so […]

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Sarah Brylinsky on December 8th, 2009

Negotiations on development of carbon market mechanisms mirror the development of carbon and footprint-reduction planning in higher education. Development of a Climate Action Plan (CAP), an obligation for signatories of the ACUPCC President’s Climate Commitment, requires institutions to reduce their carbon footprint in an effort to reach climate neutrality. Creating such a plan requires planning for and creating: a) an accurate calculation of baseline emissions, b) mechanisms for reducing and/or offsetting those emissions, and c) a feasibility plan including a time-line, project-priorities, and culture-change which ensure the longevity and success of the CAP. A major proposal for reducing global carbon emission is the creation of a market which would create financial and developmental incentives for both nations and private sectors to complete step “b” on an international level – what lessons can be exchanged between higher education and the negotiations forum?

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Pick one or the other: Climate Change or  Natural Gas Drilling. When, Neil Leary, Elizabeth Martin Perera and I met with James Warner, a legislative assistant to Arlen Specter, to discuss climate change, this was the answer. It’s not that the senate is against global climate change action; it’s that they represent such a diversity […]

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