With climate change comes more intense floods and droughts in designated areas as well as uncertainties regarding the frequency, severity, and location of future hurricanes. But to say that these uncertainties (or contradictions) shouldn’t provoke precautionary measures or major adaptations is like dismissing the devastating impacts of Hurricane Katrina altogether. The fact of the matter […]

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Kelly Rogers on October 3rd, 2009

  “A Stitch in Time: General Lessons from Specific Cases” details nine general lessons about adaptation to climate change. Number four on this list is “increase awareness and adaptation.” The authors of this article used case studies as proof that there are information “problems” in terms of communicating, advancing, interpreting, and applying the management of […]

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Maria Mei on September 30th, 2009

As global warming is getting more severe, it poses huge stresses over both human beings and the nature. Even though the impacts of global warming are rising and some of them might have been underestimated, it is still a good thing that people have recognized the adverse effects of global warming, and have been trying […]

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Bettina Cerban on September 28th, 2009

The difference between my position on environmental issues and my mother’s is that, beyond knowledge on the scientific aspects of climate change, I am aware that the political decisions that determine whether we face this problem head on, or cross our arms and whine about lost innocence (and income), are being made now.

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rothrocop on September 28th, 2009

Arguing with a global warming skeptic in a dance club was extremely frustrating. It would not have been my first choice of venue to entertain such a complicated discussion. As an environmental activist, I feel that it is important to try to convince even the most skeptical people of the upcoming plight that humanity will […]

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