Kelly Rogers on September 28th, 2009

”  There is no uncertainty at all that humans have significantly altered the global atmospheric concentrations of gases we know to be critical in controlling climate…” – October 6, 1997 , distinguished scholar Dr. John P. Holdren at the White House    “We need President Obama to step up and say, ‘I need an economywide […]

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nguyenl on September 28th, 2009

Climate change is a dividing issue. It is not intuitive. It potentially hurts different groups with different interests. Recently I read a research paper by Jack Hollander, a UC Berkeley professor, titled Global Warming: Both sides, Rushing to Judgment. One sentence in its first paragraph captures the main point of the paper: “…hard evidence for […]

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Andrea Dominguez on September 28th, 2009

How can we be sure that it is humans driving climate change? It’s simple, look at all possible natural causes and weigh them against the evidence of the latest changes. In other words, compare the possible and measurable effects of any given “natural” cause of climate change with the actual climate change. Then compare the […]

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Grace Lange on September 27th, 2009

There is no debate among scientists as to whether global warming is happening nor if humans have contributed to this. Global warming is happening. Humans are a significant cause in recent global changes. The IPCC’s (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) Fourth Assessment Report offers significant evidence of human induced climate change: CO2 levels have increased […]

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Brandon McCall on September 27th, 2009

In places like Africa and more specifically areas around Mount Kilimanjaro the affects of global warming can already be felt.  As this image clearly shows, the snow-covered mountain has recently lost large portions of its snow, due largely to global-warming. The snow on top of this mountain provides water to millions of Africans, and once […]

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