hoffmand on December 14th, 2009

Dave Munn and I spend the morning at Kilmaforum2009 which is also known as the people’s summit. The Kilmaforum is a parallel conference to the COP15 organized by a broad coalition of Danish and international environmental movements and civil society organizations. Although not part of the official COP, this event has drawn a wide and […]

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nguyenl on December 14th, 2009

The principle of common but differentiated responsibilities boils down to which countries should spend on climate finance and how much they should spend. As a whole, the global community has spent no where near the level it should be spending on adaptation and mitigation. Estimated yearly adaptation cost is US$8 billion to US$100 billion per […]

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hoffmand on December 14th, 2009

Should we as Youth put our trust in those older than us? Do we have a choice? This is a question that I’ve been inspired to think about during the last few days.  The young woman from India who addressed the  UN climate chief Yvo de Boer on behalf of the youth yesterday ended her […]

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Maria Mei on December 14th, 2009

I want to briefly address two things that I came across these few days. 1. Last week, there was a side event on carbon equity being discussed by scientists from China. In recently years, China has grown to be the largest carbon emitter in the world and it is always been blamed for greatly attributing […]

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munnd on December 14th, 2009

Throughout my time at COP15 and in Copenhagen I’ve been reflecting on what it will take in order to effectively address the issue of climate change.  As a policy management major, I tend to view any policy issue in terms of incremental steps. Policy change is slow– and with an international governance system as complex as the UNFCCC […]

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