Sarah Brylinsky on December 10th, 2009

U.S. Negotiator Dismisses Reparations for Climate COPENHAGEN — The top American envoy to climate talks here flatly rejected arguments Wednesday by diplomats from poor lands that the United States owes a debt to developing nations for decades…. Read Full Post Here.

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dunningg on December 10th, 2009

Every night at 6pm, just when you think that all sense of reason is truly lost from the world of international negotiations, a peculiar ceremony pills a little humor back into the UN Conference Center.  The Fossil of the Day is an award commemorating “those who gave their lives, so long ago, so that we […]

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Kelly Rogers on December 10th, 2009

Since I arrived in Denmark, I have been impressed by how commonplace bicycling is. Bike lanes are ubiquitous. On the Cop-15 bus ride back to our hotel, I often notice traffic jams of bikes because there are so many bikers. This morning I saw little kids riding their mini bikes to school (it was cute). […]

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hoffmand on December 9th, 2009

After the Fossil of the Day awards yesterday, I was wandering around the conference center center, when I noticed a gathering of people. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but two words drew me in… Africa Unite. I shuffled my way into the crowed and tried to figure out what was going on. The people […]

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Kelly Rogers on December 9th, 2009

Today a US Envoy on Climate Change, Todd Stern,  gave a press briefing at COP-15. The following is a selected summary of his initial introduction. We have demonstrated a strong commitment to this issue from day one. President Obama came into office focused foremost on economic stimulus package. In that package  included the highest vehicle emissions standards we’ve […]

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