Maria Mei on September 6th, 2009

Among the technological, economic, and ecological lenses described in Parker and Blodgett’s report, economic and ecological lenses best characterizes the view of China. But there is another sociological lens through which climate change can be viewed and it plays a more important role. China’s economy has developped rapidly over the past decades, but its environment […]

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Brandon McCall on September 6th, 2009

As the Earth continues to heat up because of global warming one must wonder if the policy decisions reached at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will be too late. It should come as no surprise that the Earth is getting hotter.  Recent scientific findings have definitively concluded that the Earth’s temperature […]

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Grace Lange on September 6th, 2009

My philosophy on climate change policy resembles a combination of the three lenses described by Parker and Blodgett in the ­CRS Report for Congress: the “technological lens,” the “economic lens,” and the “ecological lens.” Each lens has a different view of the global climate change problem. The technological lens views climate change as an opportunity […]

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Brett Shollenberger on September 6th, 2009

            Climate change is not an issue to be fixed by entire populations; it won’t require an inspiring montage of an entire community pitching in, bicycling instead of driving cars and turning off lights when they aren’t in use (with the help of their animal friends à la Snow White). It cannot require a change […]

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dunningg on September 5th, 2009

My viewpoint on climate change most closely resembles the “ecological lens” described by Parker and Blodgett.  I grew up chasing frogs in muddy streams and burying walnuts for the squirrels to eat in the winter.  Yup, I was that kid: the one with mulch in her pockets, who never owned a white shirt because they […]

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