dunningg on October 1st, 2009

One of the largest issues posed by climate changes is the decreasing availability of fresh water. With the population expected to rise to 9 million by the mid-21st century, the attention of the world will soon shift from concerns over fossil fuel resources to water sources.  Water wars are nothing new, but with the increasing […]

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Bettina Cerban on September 28th, 2009

The difference between my position on environmental issues and my mother’s is that, beyond knowledge on the scientific aspects of climate change, I am aware that the political decisions that determine whether we face this problem head on, or cross our arms and whine about lost innocence (and income), are being made now.

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rothrocop on September 28th, 2009

Arguing with a global warming skeptic in a dance club was extremely frustrating. It would not have been my first choice of venue to entertain such a complicated discussion. As an environmental activist, I feel that it is important to try to convince even the most skeptical people of the upcoming plight that humanity will […]

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ramosj on September 28th, 2009

imply put, the primary factor of human impact on global climate change is the recent increase of fossil fuel burning, which use has been relatively increasing since the industrial revolution.

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munnd on September 28th, 2009

LET IT BE KNOWN—humans have had an increasingly significant role in changes to the Earth’s climate. But really, how could we not? With industrialization and development, lifestyles/cultures that favor individualism and consumerism, and an increasing populace demanding their share of the energy sector—all within the past few hundred years—how could changes not take place? Indeed, […]

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