Isn’t it Odd?

The sentence I choose to analyze was, “ Odd that marriage, a public display and free to all gives way to the most secret of liaisons, an adulterous affair (16) ”. I think this sentence is talking about the evil side to marriage that no one wants to talk about or experience but is something that does happens. Starting the sentence off with, “odd that marriage (16)” , shows the irony in this sentence because as great as marriage is there is underlying secrets. The first few words to describe marriage were public display and free to all, both of these representing a sort of freedom that brings us happiness because everyone can enjoy the freedom. Then the evil side is mentioned, which is the most secret of liaisons. I believe secret is an important word because in the paragraph above this sentence it asks the question of why an affair can be a secret, but someone saying their vows is said for everyone to hear. I think this line is related to the whole novel so far because the narrator commits affairs with married women and the women tries to explain why she did it, but she cant even explain it to her self. The narrator then tries to explain it for her by using the metaphor with the door and how the butler put on white gloves so no finger prints were left. I believe that this relates to where they use the words most secret to explain adulterous affair. I also believe that the word liaison is important vocabulary in this sentence and it represents this book because it means a relationship between two people. Marriage, love, which they started out the novel talking about, and an affair all require two people. I think this illustrates one of the mysteries the book is trying to show us. There is a relationship between two people; we know the gender of one but the other you have to shape for yourself. If you think it is a woman and man verse a woman and a woman does it make marriage, love, affairs, and other situations brought up in the book different?