The Dickinson College dining services are one of the most common ways for students to access meals. However, most students have not had a chance to learn more of the finances revolving around the dining hall, not until Dickinson’s Intro to Food Studies Class got a behind the scenes look at the cafeteria.
Finances are extremely important when it comes to dining services. Having enough money determines what dining services can or cannot produce and the quality of the food they produce. The most well-known way the cafeteria makes money is through students swipes that are associated with their meal plan. However, various people do not know where the money from their swipes go to if they are not used. The answer is: back to the students (S. Wright, Personal Communication, November 21, 2024). Dickinson’s Assistant Director of Dining Services, Sonya Wright explained how the money people do not spend through their swipes ends up being returned to the college’s general fund. Dining Services alone makes about $10-11 million dollars per fiscal year with $5-7 million in profit. This surplus is given back to the college to be reinvested in addressing campus needs, as well as improving the Dickinson student experience.
As finances are to be utilized properly, the cafeteria staff also wishes for students to enjoy their meals. This is done by staff, chefs, and other employees in dining service listening to what the students prefer to eat (S. Wright, Personal Communication, November 21, 2024). Executive Chef of dining services Ashlee Telep explained Dickinson College’s menus are thoughtfully designed to consider what students want to eat and the menu for each semester is created over a two-month period (A. Telep, Personal Communication, November 21, 2024).
Ashley Mowreader (2024) from Inside Higher Ed also explains “Students believe having a wide variety of nutritionally balanced food is most important in their food selection, followed by a variety allergen-friendly foods, accommodations for different dietary needs and foods that satisfy religious needs”. Maintaining high variety and quality dining services allows for students to thrive both physically and mentally. Dickinson’s various dining options shine in the cafeteria alone: it offers multiple options such as a pasta bar, a gluten free section, a vegan and kosher section, a salad bar, and various other choices. Additionally dining services works to create thousands of portions of these different types of food per day in order to feed students, allocating proper proportions for each meal in order to make sure there is enough food for everyone (S. Wright, Personal Communication, November 21, 2024). Overall, the dining services menu is thoroughly planned in order to help ensure students have a delightful experience in the dining hall.
Works Cited
Mowreader, A. M. (2024, January 17). Survey: Students Value Choice in Campus Dining Facilities. Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved November 21, 2024, from