Was the end of the Cold War a bad thing?

Brands, Chapter 11:  History Without End, 1987-91

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Berlin Wall

Baghdad 1991

Featured Document:  End of Gulf War (1991)

George H.W. Bush, March 6, 1991: Address Before a Joint Session of Congress on the End of the Gulf War

“This is a victory for every country in the coalition, for the United Nations. A victory for unprecedented international cooperation and diplomacy, so well led by our Secretary of State, James Baker. It is a victory for the rule of law and for what is right. Desert Storm’s success belongs to the team that so ably leads our Armed Forces: our Secretary of Defense and our Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Dick Cheney and Colin Powell. And while you’re standing—[laughter]—this military victory also belongs to the one the British call the “Man of the Match”—the tower of calm at the eye of Desert Storm—General Norman Schwarzkopf….We went halfway around the world to do what is moral and just and right. We fought hard and, with others, we won the war. We lifted the yoke of aggression and tyranny from a small country that many Americans had never even heard of, and we ask nothing in return. We’re coming home now—proud, confident, heads high. There is much that we must do, at home and abroad. And we will do it. We are Americans.”