In this new section, visitors can read some of the primary sources that I use to craft posts. Some of these are available elsewhere, or have been sourced from third part websites (see credit lines to learn where) while others are images I took of documents while conducting research in the archives of the Kansas Historical Society, or the Leavenworth County Historical Society. This will be sort of a perpetual work in progress.
Early Life: 1824-1854
Kansas Territory Days: 1854-1861
Letter to Susan describing political atmosphere in early 1859 (PDF)
Civil War: 1861-1865
February 3 letter to Susan describing goal to free slaves (PDF)
Anthony and Ewing coorospondance re martial law (PDF)
Post-War/Reconstruction: 1865-1871
Newspaper Empire Building: 1871 – 1888
Times’ Office Rules and Regulations (PDF)
An Aging Legend: 1888-1904