Courtesy of the New York Times
- owner of “India Arts and Crafts,” import shop at 14 East 56th Street, New York
- U.S. resident since 1926
- president of Indian League of America, 1941(membership totaled 26 (Venkataramani, 9))-1959;
Shaplen, Robert. “Profiles: One-Man Lobby,” New Yorker Magazine, March 24, 1950, 35-55.
Primary Sources
Papers located in the Jawaharlal Nehru University Library, New Delhi
Mazumdar, Haridas. America’s Contributions to India’s Freedom. New York: Dell, 1960.
30 articles or letters to the editors of major national American newspapers
- Ex. J.J. Singh, “India Remains Wary,” New York Times, May 7, 1944.
Reflections of Malti Singh (part 1, part 2)
Singh, Malti. “J.J. Singh: India’s Man in the United States; An Indian American’s campaign to `influence the influencers’.” India Abroad, August 1, 1997; “J.J. Singh: India’s Man in the United States; Campaign focuses on famine relief as freedom dawns.” India Abroad, August 8, 1997.
- Malti Saksena, daughter of High Commissioner for India to Canada and former ConsulGeneral in New York, married Singh in October 1951. (“Troth announced of Malti Saksena, NYT, September 20, 1951)