Sustainability Reflection- Jackie Greger

Sustainability exists at the intersection of environmental, social, and economic justice, and is a state of ecological balance between people and the planet that serves the urgency of the present without compromising the needs or health of future generations. This includes many stakeholders and takes a holistic approach into account when considering environmental issues. I think sustainability also relies heavily upon the notion of interdependence and interconnectedness found in ecology, in that the fate of all living things is tied to the health and wellbeing of the earth and its natural systems that sustain us.

2 thoughts on “Sustainability Reflection- Jackie Greger

  1. I love seeing the interdependent nature of this come together for you @Jackie! I’ll be interested to see how your definition evolves after the workshop on diversity/equity and inclusion. Be thinking about how you can turn these thoughts into action for positive change!

  2. Jackie – great observations about interdependence. Social and economic systems, like ecological systems, are also highly interdependent within themselves, and also interdependent with each other. As you explore the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals, think about how social, economic and ecological processes and forces interact to enable or obstruct progress toward each goal. As well as how progress on one goal can drive progress on other goals.

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