Jason Raymond ’12

Jason Raymond

Major: Mathematics

Double minor: Education & Japanese

Current position: Science Communication and English Teacher, Chiba Prefecture, Japan


I graduated from Dickinson in 2012 as a Mathematics major and double-minor in Education and Japanese. I am interested in the field of comparative science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education, particularly between the education systems of the United States and Japan. During my senior year at Dickinson, I applied to and was accepted for a position as a licensed teacher at Chosei High School in Mobara City, Chiba Prefecture Japan, which is a Super Science High School (SSH). (SSH is a designation awarded by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) to secondary schools that focus on STEM education.) I was hired to teach Super Science Communication, which is, at its core, a bilingual (Japanese/English) approach to learning and discussing about science which gives way to effective bilingual presentations. To fulfill my fulltime working requirement, I also teach a number of English Expressions classes, which promotes an active approach to learning and using English in authentic and meaningful contexts. While I have been here, I have had the opportunity to meet other Dickinsonians who have came to Japan, further building and strengthening my personal connections and professional networks in a globalized way. I feel no less than blessed to be here in Japan, living my dream and doing what I love. What’s more is that this position serves as the ultimate culmination of my studies at Dickinson as it evokes all of the knowledge and skills I have developed in my four years there. I do believe though, that what I have achieved until now serves as a solid basis for my career in the future and it’s only the beginning.

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