Author Archives: joshuae

Rebecca Harris: Spring 2013

Last Spring I studied abroad at Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan. From January to May I was fortunate enough to be placed with a wonderful host-family in Nagoya, not too far from the university. At Nanzan I studied 5 courses consisting of communication, reading and writing, translation, Japanese culture and art, and Japanese business. Out of all the courses I took at Nanzan, I would say that translation class was the most enjoyable. The pieces that we translated consisted of the grammar patterns and vocabulary from the Intensive Japanese courses, so this class was an extremely good way to solidify the new knowledge. Additionally, we translated fun exerts such as Harry Potter, and popular Japanese songs and poems. My favorite part of this class was the translation project. I translated Japanese recipes, such as “daifuku mochi,” so that I could make authentic dishes once I returned home.

I am especially grateful to have had the experience of staying with such a kind host family while in Japan. Everyday I would come home from school, and rather than returning to bedroom, I would sit around the dining table with my host mother. We would talk, go shopping, karaoke, and make dinner together. She took me to such great places to enjoy Japanese cuisine, and of course, Nagoya’s specialty dishes. On top of that, she took me to Japanese hot-springs, hiking, try “mochitsuki,” and a wonderful night cherry blossom viewing. The experience was really made unforgettable thanks to my vibrant, and extremely generous host-mother.

A study abroad experience would not be complete without travel, and when I was in Japan I got to make the most of the airline sales, and make a trip to beautiful Okinawa, as well as Tokyo. I especially enjoyed my experience in Okinawa. It was interesting to have a trip to a place of such historical significance, natural beauty, and a different lifestyle to the city-dwelling stereotype.

It was satisfying to put my Japanese I have learned in college to use in day-to-day natural conversation and make Japanese friends. A lot of the friends I made are very interested in learning English, so it was so much fun to teach them a little English, and learn so much from them about their language, and culture. The language became so much more important to me after using it outside of the classroom to form friendships that I will treasure for many years to come.

Rebecca Harris at Nanzan

Alyssa Young: Fall 2012 and Spring 2013

Alyssa Young at Nanzan University

Majors: EAS and Political Science

My first experience studying in Japan was when I was fifteen and I spent my sophomore year of high school studying in Fukuoka, Japan. Then, last summer (2012), I went back to Japan for the first time since high school. I received two scholarships to fund my study abroad experience. One was the Bridging scholarship, and the other was the Pasona Internship Program Scholarship.

Through the Pasona Program, I had the opportunity to complete a summer-long internship at a well-known toy company in Tokyo, Japan. I learned about Japanese business-manners, work-culture, and business in general.

From Tokyo I went straight to Nagoya, Japan, where I studied for two semesters at Nanzan University, which is one of Dickinson’s programs. Actually, hearing about this program as a prospective student influenced my decision to choose Dickinson College. While I was there, I made the best of my experience. I entered the most challenging Japanese language classes, took a seminar with Japanese students, tried Japanese culture classes such as tea ceremony, and dabbled in club activities.

Instead of a homestay, I was placed into one of the dorms located next to campus. I was afraid that living in a dorm would give me less opportunity to speak Japanese, and more to speak English. As it turns out, I lived in a close community of foreign and Japanese students, who taught me a lot about how young Japanese people live. My roommates were Korean and Japanese, and we made dinner and spoke Japanese together every day. I could not be more thankful that I had the chance to live there.

While studying abroad at Nanzan, I also worked a part-time job a few days each week. I was ecstatic because the café I worked at was a place where I could work closely with Japanese people in a professional environment while challenging my own language ability. Furthermore, chatting with the local customers was my way of engaging the community.

The 12 months I spent in Japan taught me innumerable life lessons and skills. The key to study abroad is: always staying open to trying new things, realize that there are amazing opportunities for those who go looking for them, and to immerse oneself completely in the culture.

Seismic Japan: Japan Practicum 2013

Seismic Japan: The science and culture of earthquakes in Japan

Program Overview

This course is intended to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the science and culture of earthquake in Japan, one of the most earthquake prone countries in the world. Through lectures, class discussions, field-trips, student exchanges, meetings with scientists, students will come to appreciate the complex history of human interaction with the destructive forces of the earth in Japan.

The Setting

The bulk of the program will be at Nanzan University in Nagoya, one of the largest cities in Japan. We are planning field trips to Kobe (site of a devastating earthquake in 1995) and perhaps to areas affected by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.


EASIA-208-01: Seismic Japan: The science and culture of earthquakes in Japan. Students who successfully complete this program will earn one course credit (the equivalent of four semester hours). For East Asian Studies majors, the course counts toward the major. The program fulfills the Comparative Civilization requirement. Students will receive a letter grade for the course.

Program Activities

During the program, students will experience Nagoya and its environs. The program will be hosted by Nanzan University. Field trips include Kobe and possibly Tokyo and Sendai.

On-Site Administration

The program is supervised by Alex Bates, Assistant Professor of East Asian Studies and Pete Sak, Associate Professor of Earth Science.

Program Cost

This program is generously supported by the Luce Foundation’s Initiative in Asian Studies and the Environment. The estimated comprehensive program fee will be $3850.  Airfare is not included; however a group flight may be arranged.


Full room and board
Academic excursions
In-country transportation related to the academic program
Pre-departure orientation
Emergency Insurance


In Nagoya, students will be housed two to four a room in a guest house near Nanzan University. Meals will be a combination of group meals and individual purchases using the weekly stipends.

Financial Aid

Financial aid is available to eligible Dickinson students. Requests for financial aid must be submitted via the online application system no later than February 1, 2013. No late requests for financial aid will be considered.


Students with a minimum GPA of 2.8 are encouraged to apply. There are no prerequisites; however, students who have background in Asian Studies, Earth Sciences, Environmental Studies and Environmental Science will be given priority.

Nanzan University Information

Nanzan UniversityDickinson’s partner institution, Nanzan University, is located in Nagoya, Japan’s third-largest urban center. Along with studying the Japanese language, program participants take politics, folklore, religion, literature and history courses taught in English. Courses in traditional Japanese arts, such as calligraphy and woodblock printing, also are offered. Students may study at Nanzan for a semester or academic year and may live in on-campus residence halls or with a Japanese host family.

Nagoya, in southcentral Japan, is the nation’s third largest city, with more than 8 million residents living in the greater metropolitan area. The city is served by Japan’s famous “bullet trains” or shinkansen, located on a line that runs between Tokyo and Osaka. One of the city’s most famous landmarks is Nagoya Castle, which was built by the shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu for his ninth son.

Nanzan University

Nanzan University, Japan’s second-largest Catholic university, was founded in 1946 as a college for foreign-language study and has grown into a university famous for its language programs.

Along with studying the Japanese language, program participants take politics, folklore, religion, literature and history courses taught in English. Courses in traditional Japanese arts, such as calligraphy and wood-block printing, also are offered, giving students additional creative opportunities to learn about Japanese culture.

Most program participants attend courses at the Center for Japanese Studies, but advanced students of Japanese may enroll in regular classes at Nanzan, which are taught exclusively in the host language.


The Dickinson in Japan program is language intensive and is designed to advance the skills of students at all levels, from intermediate to advanced. Language courses are conducted in the morning; in the afternoon, students take lecture courses taught in English that deal with cultural, political and economic issues.


3.0 GPA
Students must complete at least two years of college-level Japanese before studying abroad.

All students must have a declared major at the time of application.

As a part of the review process students’ conduct records and account status are also reviewed.  Students and their parents should note that the review process takes all elements of the student’s academic record into consideration and that even if a student has the required minimum GPA and language pre-requisites, he or she may not be admitted.

Students who have questions about the review process or their particular candidacy for a program should come into the Center for Global Study and Engagement for advising.

Center staff will not discuss students’ applications with parents, friends or any other party without the student’s consent and presence in the conversation

Meguro-Sensei, Senior Lecturer of Japanese Language






Professor Meguro specializes in Japanese language pedagogy and Japanese Applied Linguistics. Her research interest is Interlanguage pragmatics, specially on Japanese refusal. She is interested in applying cutting edge technology into Japanese language education. In her courses, she incorporates language exchange using Skype and mixi and have students communicate native speaker of Japanese on regular basis. She is also the coordinator for the study abroad programs in Japan. Prof. Meguro’s multimedia Japanese learning website:

Professor Shawn M. Bender, Associate Professor of East Asian Studies

Professor Bender





Trained as a cultural anthropologist, Professor Bender has been doing fieldwork with taiko drumming groups in Japan since the late 1990s. This scholarship is the basis of his latest book entitled Taiko Boom: Japanese Drumming in Place and Motion (2012, UC Press). He has also examined the introduction of traditional musical instruments into public school music classes in Japan. Most recently, he has begun exploring the connections among discourses of demographic crisis, changes in elder care, and the development of robotics in Japan and Europe. Prof. Bender teaches courses on contemporary Japanese society, aging and demography, music, and popular culture.

Zachary Ricchiuti ’12

Zachary Ricchiuti








Major: East Asian Studies


At my current company HTH Worldwide, I am in charge of our corporate hospital and doctor network in Asia. The strength of our company is our network and access to quality healthcare, which means that I have to stay up to date with the latest international healthcare facilities and doctors all throughout the continent. This includes recruiting new facilities and doctors that cater to international patients, and also providing research on new cities that our clients want to establish business or study abroad locations at. While the bulk of my work is in China, India, and South Korea, we do have a large Japan presence, and in the past I have made calls to hospitals and individual doctors to make sure they are aware of our brand and our insurance process.


While at Dickinson, I had a wonderful experience studying abroad at Nanzan University in Nagoya. My time there was split between a home stay and a dormitory, with each offering unique experiences with regard to living in Japan and using the Japanese language. I had the opportunity to join Japanese clubs at University and spend time with not only Japanese students, but students from all over Asia in a very diverse study abroad program. My time in Japan and the Dickinson East Asia program in general gave me a well-rounded education in the history and society of the region, allowing me to look at projects and my current work through an analytical lens.

Qian “Viola” Zhang ’12

Qian Viola at a temple






Major: Economics

Double Minor: Japanese Language & East Asian Studies

Current Position: Streaming Video Strategist, at Rakuten


I currently work for the largest e-commerce shopping site in Japan as the analyst and strategist for streaming video products. Located in Tokyo, my working environment is highly diverse, and therefore requires a mix of Japanese and English, sometimes even Chinese to push things forward. Every time I look back, my third year exchange experience in Japan has prepared me well both verbally and sociaQian "Viola" Zhanglly to be working in a Japanese global company. I look forward to further advance in Japanese, as well as new excitement and challenges coming along the way.