Virus of Time

Angle: “In Creating You, Our Father-Lover unleashed
Sleeping Creation’s Potential for change
In YOU the virus of TIME began!” (Kushner, 175)

Time plays an important role in Angles of America. The time period of the play is acknowledged through the Angle’s remark, “in YOU the virus of TIME began” (175). Angles of America takes place during the AIDs epidemic. During this times many closeted homosexuals came out. AIDs took away the power of choice for homosexuals. It took society by the reigns by presenting physical attributes (in this case illness) as an indication of sexuality. Thus, having AIDs also meant coming out. Therefore, we see that Prior’s virus is not just representing his own disease. It represents the start of a new era in society; the beginning of change.

Change is a common theme throughout the novel. We see the theme exploited more as the interaction between Prior and the Angel continues towards the topic of San Francisco. San Francisco is a big symbol in the novel. San Francisco was the gay “capital” of America, it was marked by as the Angle describes “forward motion” (176). Unfortunately, in 1906 San Francisco was hit by a severe earthquake or, in Prior’s words, “heaven quake” (176). In Angles of America, AIDs represents God’s “quake”. Though AIDs impacted many lives during the era, it’s a significant event that, like the earthquake, its impacts are remembered in history.

San Francisco is mentioned again in a conversion between Belize and Roy. On page 209 Roy asks, “What’s it like? After?” with the response, “like San Francisco… Big City, over gown with weeds, but flowering weeds on every corner”. This shows that, through wreckage, there can still be something beautiful. Blooming is symbolism for change, for the “forward motion” (176). Going back to the original passage, we see that the “virus of time” (175) in Prior can result in those “flowering weeds” (209). It gives the chance for society to begin to build up and change just like San Francisco after the quake.

Prior represents the only character that changes his personality according to his role. Prior takes on the role of an AIDs patient and prophet. We see this with his visions of other characters (for example, Louise being with Joe). We do not see this with Roy, therefore, he does not receive the warning from the Angel. I believe Prior is representative of the progressing gay community during the outbreak. Thus, the Angle is a warning to the whole gay community by telling them to stop moving, for she does not want the wrath of God. However, we know this will not happen. Time will continue progressing and the “virus of time” (175) will present itself in history. The change we see in Prior is therefore important for society to progress and continuing moving forward.