3 Points
1 – Belgium, France, the German Federal Republic, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands are negotiating to establish a common market that would involve the elimination of all barriers to trade between them and the formation of a barrier towards outside countries.
2 – The two traditional policies of the U.S. Government are: the consistent support of actions to further the political and economic strength and unity of Western Europe within an expanding Atlantic community and the long-standing devotion to progress toward multilateral trade and convertibility of currencies.
3 – The association of the United Kingdom in this agreement would further strengthen the unity of the Atlantic Community and the free world.
2 Questions
How would the United Kingdom benefit from entering this agreement?
How does this agreement relate to/how is it similar to GAT?
1 Observation
It was the hope and expectation that the negotiations on the common market and free trade area would be carried forward and concluded in such a manner that there would come a new contribution to the unity and prosperity of Europe and the Atlantic Community and to the welfare of the entire free world.