

My name is Mark Brown and I am a Junior INBM major pursuing a Spanish minor. I am from Portland, ME and just spent the past semester abroad in Italy. This course is appealing to me as I continue to strengthen my verbal and written skills of the Spanish language; that would ultimately be beneficial to me in the business world after college.


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Hello everyone!

My name is Simon Ciccarillo – I’m a senior and double major in IS and Russian.  I’m originally from Colombia, but I live in Canton, Connecticut with my family.  I wanted to take this course because I have the time to do it (after fulfilling requirements), to brush up on Spanish and learn the business language to go along with my Russian studies, and because it seems to applicable in general today.


I look forward to class!

Simon Ciccarillo

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My name is Nikki Dutta graduating this semester with an INBM major and Spanish minor with a Health Studies Certificate. I’m extremely passionate about environmental sustainability and had the privilege of studying abroad in Málaga, Spain during my Junior year. I would like to progress my language skills especially in today’s global and interconnected economy and think that this class will be extremely beneficial.
-Hasta luego!

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Hi my name is Laney Siems and I am a senior INBM major. I am from Baltimore, MD and had a great time in the snow storm this weekend. I am hoping to widen my vocabulary and feel more comfortable with my Spanish after taking this course. I look forward to meeting you all!

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My name is Nick Struzenski and I am sophomore INBM major and Spanish minor from the Boston area. I’m planning on studying abroad in either Málaga or Barcelona in the Spring of 2017, and this semester I’m hoping to become a more fluent speaker as well as a better writer. Looking forward to a great semester!

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My name is Angelo Brutico, I’m from Philadelphia, PA and I’m a sophomore majoring in International Business & Management. I look forward to taking this course to greater strengthen my Spanish speaking and writing skills. I feel that this course fits perfectly with my major as a I strive to apply my Spanish literacy to a future career in either the US or a Spanish-speaking country. Looking forward to a great semester!

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Hey all, my name is Sam Loring and I am a sophomore, INBM major, and on the Men’s Tennis Team. I’m from New York City and barely got my car out of the snow to get here yesterday. I felt that this class fit perfectly with what I plan to do once I graduate (hopefully some form of marketing and/or management) especially since Spanish is so widely used. My goal is to become a more fluid speaker and prepare to hopefully study abroad in Málaga next fall. ¡Hasta mañana!

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Hey everyone!

My name is Madison Miller and I am a junior. I am an International & Business Management major. I live in Newville, Pa about 20 minutes from campus so I commute. My interest in this class to to gain a better understanding of how to effectively write in Spanish. I feel that this class will help me greatly after graduation.

I look forward to meeting all of you!


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Hola! My name is Layla Budin. I am a junior biology major and spanish minor. I am also in the health studies certificate program. Last semester I was abroad in Australia, and I was hoping to study in Ecuador and Argentina this semester, however my biology classes did not permit. I have taken a year long break from Spanish, so I took this class to brush up on my vocabulary as well as learn new vocabulary that will be useful in the business world in the future. Next summer I am hoping to go to Argentina and work in a hospital, so this class will prepare me to be immersed in the language. Hasta pronto!

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Hi everybody, my name is Conor McCarthy and I am a junior INBM major. I am from a town outside Boston, MA called Natick. I am looking forward to taking this course to further improve upon my Spanish speaking ability. I also hope that this class will help me in the future, should my Spanish skill be necessary. I’m looking forward to the class and to meeting everyone!

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