Every aspect of our excursion to the Midi-Pyrénées region was unique. We had the opportunity to see the city of Rodez, the charming town of Conques, and visit an amazing winery in Gaillac. We began the excursion with a trip to Rodez to see the Soulages Museum. Soulages’ work demonstrates the ways in which light emphasizes the form and effect of a painting. The importance of light was further emphasized by the stained glass windows in the abbey-church of Saint Foy which were made by Soulages. The town of Conques is characterized by its medieval architecture and rich history of pilgrimages. The architecture and environment of Conques creates a magical atmosphere where art and history are truly alive. I met many people who came from all around the world. The fact that we stayed at the housing for the people doing the pilgrimages and were allowed to share meals with them was very nice. The way in which nature and architecture work together adds a new level to the magic of the town. After, we went to Gaillac for a wine tasting where we learned the intricate process to make wine. This trip was a mixture of different cultural aspects of France from art, food, and history which are present today.