Artist Spolight: Dermot Kennedy
By Lucy Patterson
Dermot Kennedy is an up and coming artist who is a lyrical genius with soulful and hearty vocal cords. He gets his inspiration from the extremes—life and death, love and pain. His tunes express heartache and achievement that evokes a mix of genres—hip-hop and R&B in collaboration with slow rhythms and electronic pops. The Dubliner at 25 years young has experienced an overwhelming boom into the forefront of the music industry, and he owes his success to his musical inspirations. Kennedy favors Bon Iver, James Blake and James Vincent McMorrow in order to collaborate a variety of rhythms, tunes and lyrics into his amazing songs. Some of his best are Moments Passed, A Closeness and Power Over Me. If you enjoy artists that sing with a fire in their soul and expresses raw and honest lyrics, you must listen to the tunes of Dermot Kennedy.