Fall 2024 Semester Recap!


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     A lot of fun things happened with WDCV last semester! I would have loved to write about these events, but I was too busy for most of the semester to even consider it, hence why I’m doing it now. 

     Our first big event of the semester was the Carlisle Halloween Parade, in which I went to for the first time. A few of the notable musicians in attendance were The Beatles, Chappell Roan, David Byrne, Fred Durst, and even Snoopy! Brenda (the WDCV faculty advisor) in a suit inspired by Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, led the group with the Yellow Submarine that she stitched together to fit to her bike. As we made our way along the route, we blasted music and passed out candy to eager kids waiting on the sidewalk. We even had our name announced and picture taken. The walk to our starting point, the route, and back to campus was a lot, but definitely worth it!

     Between the Halloween Parade and the fall concert we had our open mic! A few campus favorites as well as some new acts and solo performers were in the lineup. High Street (Dressed as the Powerpuff Girls), The Ticket Punchers, Liquorish, No Permit, and many others all made their mark on the live music that night. Visitors in costume crowded into Bosler to hear each act play, with some original music as well as covers. Cover genres included pop, folk ballad, alt rock, and some halloween classics. I particularly enjoyed Ibny’s EDM setup because it was something new we haven’t really had before at an open mic.

     Our other notable event of the semester was the MOB-WDCV fall concert, featuring NLE Choppa. This concert had the most people in attendance since i’ve been a student here (almost a thousand!), so it was really awesome to see the turnout and the liveliness present during the whole thing. I was sitting higher up in the back as opposed to near the barrier, so I could bear witness to all the excitement, people being hoisted onto shoulders, even crowdsurfing! Everyone clearly did their research lyrics-wise (I did not), because the crowd was screaming along to each song. The set only lasted about an hour, but in that time, it was probably the most high energy experience I think I’ve ever had. Overwhelming not in a bad way, but in an exhilarating way.

     In terms of smaller events throughout the semester, we had DJ meetings once a month with fun activities like poster making and CD painting. We also had a screen printing event, where cool WDCV designs can be applied directly to shirts!

Statement from the WDCV-FM Student Executive Board in support of Public Broadcasting

WDCV-FM supports the legacy and future of public broadcasting and stand with NPR and PBS. WDCV holds a “non-commercial educational” license just like NPR.
We invite student organizations, academic departments, and campus centers to utilize WDCV-FM’s non-commercial educational broadcast license to its fullest. Now more than ever, we must foster thoughtful dialogue, bring expert opinions to the forefront, and—above all—prioritize facts in our programming. Whether through public affairs discussions, student-led reporting, or creative programming that highlights marginalized voices, we must stand together to defend the role of an independent press.

Concert Review – Battle Beast @ Baltimore Soundstage, 6/1/2024

Battle Beast at Baltimore Soundstage

I started off my summer concert series with a bang. On June 1st, 2024, Finnish power metal band Battle Beast graced the city of Baltimore. 

This summer, with support from the Dutch metal band Blackbriar, Battle Beast kicked off their long-awaited Circus of Doom Over North America tour, celebrating the release of the titular album in 2022. With 20 different shows in 20 different cities, Battle Beast sure left their mark on America. I saw them at the wonderful Baltimore Soundstage, a relatively small but quality venue down the street from the (now closing) Rams Head Live. Rest in peace Rams Head, you will be missed.  

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Fall 2023 Semester Recap

Fall 2023 Exec Retreat!

Hey! it’s been a while…

WDCV Wins Student Group of the Year! – Spring 2023

Last spring was one of our best semesters, we really drove home what we bring to the Dickinson College student community. This past fall we tried to keep that energy going.


Co-Station Manager Sarah Goodwin (far left) and Exec members (from left to right) Amy Lawn, Theadora Duane, and Olivia Hobbs showing off our stickers at the Activities Fair on the Academic Quad!

As always we were playing tunes at the activities fair and hypnotizing people into joining the radio….and we got a record number of signs ups so it totally worked!!! Roughly 100!!










Of course we did lots of djing for campus events…

Exec Members Michael Wymer and Theadora Duane DJ at Charter Day! – Fall 2023










Poster making night in the station – Fall 2023



lots of djing…


Events Coordinator Isaac Landis and DJ Orion Giles DJing at Out On Britton! – Fall 2023

We also walked in the Carlisle Halloween Parade again this year! We always love dressing up as our favorite artists and throwing candy at little children! Woohoo!

WDCV walking in the Carlisle Halloween parade! – Fall 2023

DJs dressed as their favorite artists!…and a dinosaur! Wow! – Fall 2023











Exec Members Molly Gun and Theadora Duane, and DJs Ellie Hirsch and Amelia D’Addieco march dressed their favs – Fall 2023












We also tried some new things this semester

CD Painting Night in the station during 24 Hour Live – Fall 2023











A bunch of us DJs got together and painted some sick CDs.

CD Painting Night in the station during 24 Hour Live – Fall 2023











Also Christopher Jackson was here (Mr. George Washington from Hamilton!!!!)and we got to interview him!

Exec Members Sarah Goodwin and Molly Gun interview Christopher Jackson on air! – Fall 2023

Sarah and Molly interview Christopher Jackson on air! – Fall 2023


And of course…we had our live music events.

This semester mxmtoon and Pink$weats came to Dickinson!


But we can’t forget about that homegrown music scene. We had an awesome turn out for Open Mic Night!


Lady Macbeth (DJs [left to right] Theadora Duane and Amelia D’Addieco) perform a Mazzy Star rendition at Open Mic! Fall 2023












Huong Ly and her group performing at Open Mic! – Fall 2023








We had a pretty great (and busy) semester, check back in the spring…its gonna be cray Z…








WDCV Whiteboard Calendar – Fall 2023

2023 Fall Concert!

Duo poster of our fall concert headliners, Pink Sweats and mxmtoon. Tickets are on sale now for $15, and the show is Friday, Oct. 27 in ATS at 6:30.

Get ready everyone – it’s Fall Concert time! Tickets are available NOW for Pink Sweat$ and mxmtoon, who will be on campus Friday, Oct. 27. We’re so excited for you all to see the work WDCV and MOB have been putting in to this!

Tickets available now on University Tickets!


WDCV New and Returning DJ meetings!

Fall Semester is in full motion! We had a great turn out at Student Activities Fair which translates to a heap of new djs! Our meetings were well attended and now we are pairing new djs with seasoned ones for training. Keep listening as our airwaves become alive with the Voices of Dickinson College!

Spring 2023 in Review

Last spring, WDCV was busier than ever. Here’s what we were up to!

Open Mic!

Last Open Mic, attendance exceeded capacity. So we listened to Dickinson students’ cry for more live music.

The Open Mic showcased the many musical talents of Dickinson students and shared the love of live music. We had one of our biggest turnouts yet!

Open Mic February 2023 in Allison Community Room


Battle of the Bands!

WDCV partnered with Jam Space and held a Battle of the Bands in Allison Hall.

Both student and Carlisle community bands battled it out for the winning prize of opening for the WDCV/MOB Spring Concert, chosen by Dickinson faculty as judges.

Battle of the Bands 2023 Contestants

The night’s winner, High Street, impressed the judges and was crowned the openers for the 2023 Spring Concert.

WDCV Exec 2023 at BOTB

BOTB Judges getting pumped for the acts!



WDCV Named Student Group of the Year!

After a long year filled with music, friends, and fun, WDCV was named Student Group of the Year for all their hard work in creating a community of music and college radio lovers.

WDCV Exec and DJs receiving Student Group of the Year award!
















Spring Concert!

Boyscott, Another Micheal, and Battle of the Bands winner, High Street, played at the WDCV/MOB Spring Concert on Britton Plaza!

Though there was a bit of the rain, Exec, DJs, and friends danced in the rain to some good tunes.

Boyscott on Britton Plaza- Spring Concert 2023

Boyscott on Britton Plaza Spring Concert 2023

Another Michael on Britton Plaza- Spring Concert 2023

High Street on Britton Plaza – Spring Concert 2023

High Street on Britton Plaza – Spring Concert 2023

WDCV’s Halloween Parades over the years

We are already thinking about Halloween. It’s never to early to get inspired. We realized we did’t post all of our old entries into the Halloween Parade here so here’s a quick recap.  Want to part of it this year? You don’t have to be part of WDCV, just have the spirit of Halloween move you and join in our fun. We don’t have a theme yet this year. Inspire us!

A People’s History of WDCV- History of the Pop Up Record Shop

Every so often the Pop Up Record Shop appears in the HUB and it is a sight of beauty for all music lovers. But it didn’t just happen. It was planned. Curated. WDCV has made a years long bond and connection with our friend Dennis to bring music to the Dickinson masses.  But here is how it all came to be. 

Summer 2013:

Our WDCV’s advisor’s husband found a yard sale off the beaten path that was something from a strange fairy tale. An abandoned fake western town on the outskirts of Carlisle repurposed to hold old store fixtures, hundreds of mannequins, and records. Thousands and thousands of records. Bizarre. Beautiful. 

Pre-Orientation ProgramAugust 2014:

WDCV partners with the Media Center for a Pre-Orientation program. Carlisle Uncut: Stories off the Beaten Path was a series of stories produced by first year students during the Campus Media Pre-Orientation program.  10 students arrived on a Sunday, interviewed people on Monday, edited on a Tuesday and aired their stories on WDCV by Wednesday morning.  It was a fast paced introduction to audio journalism, storytelling and learning about their new home of Carlisle through the eyes of the individuals who live here. WDCV set up 5 stories that we thought needed to be told and set these students out on adventures. One story took them to an abandoned fake western town on the outskirts of Carlisle….


The Mannequin Man of Carlisle

Have you ever stumbled upon a business, house or some other strange place that makes you ponder, “how did I not know this place existed before?”.  Carlisle has a few of these and one of them is a strange wonderland filled with thousands of records, mannequins and store fixtures for sale in an abandoned fake old western town.  It sounds too strange to be true, but that’s what makes this such a great story.


A Great Idea!

Every great event starts as a great idea. In the fall of 2015 we started planning an event for College Radio Day.  College Radio Day was a recent celebration that started in 2011 because many colleges, especially ones in larger metropolitan areas, found that in the budget crunch after the 2008 recession they could make a quick dollar by selling their off their radio license.  Internet radio is not the same and to have an educational radio license is something we all need to cherish. One of our execs, Nicholas Gabuzda ’18, pondered how we could get more folks to buy records since Carlisle didn’t have a shop and he remembered our podcast about Dennis. What if Dennis could bring some of his inventory to us? What if WE could be the record store….for just one day? BEHOLD! The Pop-Up Record Shop was born!

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2015 AT 10 AM – 4 PM –Pop Up Record Store and Oddity Shop-College Radio Day

We found that people were ravenous about vinyl so Dennis started returning every few months. The first two shops were able to set up upstairs by the Social Hall and it was a perfect spot that we miss. 


Field Trip! November 2015

WDCV wanted to see where the magic happens….so on a COLD November day, we trekked out to Dennis’ secret lair and it didn’t disappoint.

Where’s Dennis?

Sure, you can find Dennis and his crates of magical records on campus every semester but you can also find his treasures downtown at the Carlisle Antique Mall and Miss Ruth’s Time Bomb!  He vends at the Carlisle Car Shows every summer and Bluegrass on the Grass every July (put on my WDCV’s retired advisor and DJ Davis Tracy!). 

But we love to see him here and we hope to see YOU at our next Pop up Record Shop!

WDCV Makes the List for Best College Radio Stations in 2022

WDCV is ranked #22 in the Princeton Reviews “Best College Radio Station” 2022 list!

This past week one of our Exec members was reading the Princeton Review’s “Best College Radio Stations” list and WDCV made the cut! We were ranked #22 out of 338 other colleges and we couldn’t be happier. Thanks to our DJs, our exec staff, our advisor, and tech manager for keeping WDCV great!

And of course thanks to our listeners for believing in the wonder and joy of college radio. We’ve been here for 60 years, here’s to 60 more!