Maria Mei on October 10th, 2009

There are mainly three greenhouse gas contributors: –          Global energy supply sector –          Forestry & industry –          Transport & agriculture Among them, the global energy supply sector is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions. It is predicted that the energy-related emission rates are about to rise an additional 50% in the coming decades (Dire […]

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rothrocop on October 5th, 2009

Humans are no different from other animals. Human population growth seems to be similar to rabbit population growth without predators. This continually increasing growth is unsustainable and may be part of the boom and bust cycle. Are humans smart enough to avoid the bust? We are an extremely adaptive species. We have reduced death rates […]

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Andrea Dominguez on October 5th, 2009

There is no doubt that mitigation and reduction in greenhouse gas emissions are crucial in the fight against global climate change. However, there are changes in the climate that we cannot avert any longer. Certain thresholds will be reached, and the consequences suffered, no matter what we do today. But there is still much we […]

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While I’m no Crocodile Hunter or Jack Hannah, I have an interest in the variations of animals species and their development. When I was reading Dire Predictions by Mann and Kump, one of the subsections in the chapter caught my eye: The Highway To Extinction. Mann and Kump talk briefly about the effects of global […]

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Grace Lange on October 5th, 2009

Global warming has already begun to impact our sea levels, and is projected to have an impact in the future. According to the fourth assessment report of the IPCC, the sea-level is predicted to rise between .5 and 1.2m by 2100. Further evidence has predicted an accelerated increase in sea levels due to feedback loops […]

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