Grace Lange on October 5th, 2009

Global warming has already begun to impact our sea levels, and is projected to have an impact in the future. According to the fourth assessment report of the IPCC, the sea-level is predicted to rise between .5 and 1.2m by 2100. Further evidence has predicted an accelerated increase in sea levels due to feedback loops […]

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ramosj on October 5th, 2009

When scientists determine whether another planet is able to sustain life, one of the things they look for is water in its three forms, liquid, solid, and vapor.  Water is in fact a natural resource and is one of the primary components that maintain life on Earth. In fact, water covers about 70% of Earth’s […]

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Brett Shollenberger on October 4th, 2009

David Keith’s Unusual Climate Change Idea In the video in the link above (thanks to the fabulous, David Keith asks the question: Is geoengineering a moral hazard? Geoengineering involves the use of technology to counteract climate change at the source or impact levels. Some ideas include iron fertilization (inject iron into the upper ocean […]

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hoffmand on October 4th, 2009

In Dire Predictions, Mann and Kump describe the effects of climate change on human systems. Impacts include: decreasing availability of freshwater, degradation of ecosystems, social unrest resulting in conflicts and war, increased transmission of disease, sea level rise- the list goes on and on. Essentially, climate change will impact every sector of human life.  The […]

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With climate change comes more intense floods and droughts in designated areas as well as uncertainties regarding the frequency, severity, and location of future hurricanes. But to say that these uncertainties (or contradictions) shouldn’t provoke precautionary measures or major adaptations is like dismissing the devastating impacts of Hurricane Katrina altogether. The fact of the matter […]

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