Mission & Hours


Location: Bike Room of Davidson-Wilson (ground-level)
We’re along Dickinson Walk, directly across from the Baird-McClintock front entrance!


Spring 2025 OPEN HOURS 

Monday: 10:30AM – 2:30PM
Tuesday: 1:00PM – 3:00PM
Wednesday: 1:30PM – 3:30PM
Friday: 12:00PM – 2:00PM
Saturday: 1:00PM – 3:00PM

* Hours may vary based on volunteer availability.

Contact biking@dickinson.edu


Contact: Center for Sustainability Education at biking@dickinson.edu

Follow on our Instagram @dickinsonhandlebar for remote updates and information. And please stop by if you’d like to volunteer, learn to fix your bike, tune up your ride, or just hang out!

Our Mission:

The Handlebar services members of the Dickinson College community, aiming to increase bicycle use, repair services, and bike-related knowledge on campus. The co-op believes in equitable access, affordability, and a strong sense of community as well as demonstrating a commitment to increasing social and environmental consciousness through hands-on learning, networking, and teaching.

The Handlebar Overview:

Created by the Dickinson College Center for Sustainability Education (CSE) and the Dickinson Idea Fund, The Handlebar Bike Co-op now functions under CSE with the help of CSE interns and volunteers to encourage and support bike usage on campus. Open to students, staff, and faculty, The Handlebar provides free bike parts and assistance with bike maintenance. The inventory of used bikes, bike parts, and gear keep costs low while also supporting our reuse philosophy. These parts are supported by CSE and donations made to The Handlebar program.

Reuse and Recycling are key aspects of The Handlebar, meaning that some bikes that are donated are fixed and added to the Green Bike Fleet. Bikes in this fleet are available for FREE to students (with a required refundable deposit) for a semester long loan to any Dickinson students, faculty, and staff. Bikes can also be added to the Dickinson Red Bike Fleet for FREE short-term loans with no deposit required. Simply leave your ID in DPS and get a bike to use for the day!

Additionally, this website has various resources including trail maps around Carlisle, rules of the road, and resources to help make your biking experience on campus!

If you are interested in more information about The Handlebar including volunteering opportunities, donations, or program details, contact biking@dickinson.edu.




Hands off!

At The Handlebar, we are committed to a “hands off” policy. This means that volunteers do not repair bikes but instead assist users. The goal is to provide patrons with knowledge and tools they can use in the future, as well as build community of like-minded bike lovers!


Being a Volunteer:

The Handlebar is always welcoming volunteers to join the co-op and gain hands-on experience in bike repair, communication, and education. To become a volunteer, there is a once per semester training workshop that enables anyone to become a part of The Handlebar, regardless of prior experience. Once the workshop has been completed, you are a Handlebar volunteer for life!