Tag Archives: bike to the farm

Smoothies on Britton Plaza (Guest Post)

This week we have a guest blogger by “The Ghost Rider,” who writes about Smoothies on Britton Plaza (aka S.O.B.P.) – enjoy! ——————————————————————————————————————————————– Once again, the Green Devil  got wildly out of control at the recent Campus Sustainability Day on Friday, October 25. Tyce Herrman, our Projects Coordinator, was selling berry smoothies and wouldn’t you know it, the Green Devil appropriated our Handlebar-built bike blenders for his goofy fun!  Fortunately that green cape didn’t get caught in the wheels.  And the smoothies?  Mmm, mmm – Continue reading →

Why I Ride

On July 5th, my dad and I rolled back into our driveway, covered in sweat, grime, spit, and sunburn. In three hours, we had covered 40.2 miles of Pittsburgh hills, climbing a total of 3,105 feet. After hobbling into the house, we plopped down in the kitchen, and ate whatever we could get our hands on – cold steak, berry smoothies, broccoli, mashed potatoes, chicken legs – without a care for utensils or plates. My mom walked into the room, surveyed the scene, and only Continue reading →

Biking at Dickinson Publication

The Center of Sustainability Education (CSE) is now offering a print resource for Dickinson bikers, with common routes, Rules of the Road, and some good reasons for why biking is a great alternative to driving. Find directions to the Dickinson Organic Farm, names of local shops and businesses, and maps to guide your trip. If you’d like a copy for yourself, find a print version of “Biking at Dickinson” in the Handlebar, by the Department of Public Safety (DPS) dispatch window, or in Kaufman 190, Continue reading →