Tag Archives: road bike

Winter Bike Paths

What do you do when the multiple feet of snow leave your bike path useless? A group of people in Boston decided to take matters into their own hands by digging a tunnel through a 15 ft high pile of snow that was blocking their frequently-used path. Read more here.  

How to Respond to Drivers Who Don’t Like Bikes

As someone who both rides a bike on the roads and drives a car, I understand both sides of the argument when it comes to bikes in the streets. If you need a good response to someone who argues that bikes shouldn’t be on the road, check out this Wired.com article on myths commonly believed by anti-bike drivers.

The Handlebar is Back in Business!

It might be cold, snowy, and icy outside, but people are braving the elements to ride their bikes! However, the current weather can be a problem for bikes – snow, slush, and salt can all be detrimental to bikes if proper care isn’t taken. And what tire pressure should you fill your tires to so that you don’t slip on the ice? Come to the Handlebar and we’ll help you figure that all out! Our current hours are: Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 4-6pm If Continue reading →

The Dirty Dozen

Have you heard of The Dirty Dozen bicycle race? The race is considered one of the most difficult in the world. It involves riding over 50 miles while climbing the 13 steepest hills in Pittsburgh, one of which – Canton Avenue – is considered the steepest automobile street in the world. Watching this race in-person is amazing, but check out this video about the race to get an idea of how amazing these riders are!

Bicycle Repair Man

Have you ever wondered what the Handlebar volunteers are like in real life? I think this sums it up… This is one of my favorite bike videos – Monty Python is always amazing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U01xasUtlvw